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The Truth about US Supremacy
The truth is that the US population will never dismantle its war machine no matter how much they tell you they’re anti-war.
Alex Jones and an independent media crisis
I was going to write a bunch of stuff explaining what I think about this whole Alex Jones case…
Proof I’m right
If anything were ever proof about the systems of oppression, about Abrahamic supremacy, about the evil that is this empire, murdering little ol’ me would be it.
1,600 years of Christian supremacy
This article is for all the white colonizers who are shocked that their bodily freedoms are being taken away.
Johnny Depp’s spending
According to his former financial manager of 17 years, Joel Mandel, Johnny Depp earned more than $600 million between the years of 1999 and 2016.
Hunting means power and other patriarchal nonsense
Going hunting doesn't mean someone is more in charge of their life than someone who's gathering.
Hindu Men and Patriarchy
This is the type of tone policing I have to deal with from Indian and Hindu men and other men of color everyday.
Community Responses to ‘1,000 Years of Hindu Colonial Trauma’
Here are some community responses so far to the Hindu Colonial Trauma presentation I launched in August 2021.
Harry is Complaining. Again.
Here’s a list of my understanding of Prince Harry’s concerns. Beneath the list, I will address each of these concerns one by one.
Our Media is Much Worse than You Think
They want us to believe that none of the hard-hitting "investigative journalists" at CNN noticed that one of their own was a pedophile and a rapist. They didn't notice for 8 years according to the higher ups at CNN.
Creep Climate “Heroes”
All the totally unnecessary hype about "Don't Look Up" is a perfect example of the left ignoring the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is a disgusting creep because he says a few things they want him to say.
What “glorious” chapters, Ken?
Ken Burns thinks there have been “glorious” chapters in US history. I’d like to ask him which chapters he considers to be “glorious”.