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One year later - Community responses to Hindu Colonial Trauma series
After one year of being public, these are some responses I received from community members who watched my 1,000 Years of Hindu Colonial Trauma presentation series.
I announced my Shmashup podcast. I was immediately censored.
“Shmashup” is me creating something out of the destruction of imperialism.
Alex Jones and an independent media crisis
I was going to write a bunch of stuff explaining what I think about this whole Alex Jones case…
Rapists and frailty
Do you notice a pattern amongst all these accused rapists and/or perpetrators of rape culture?
1,600 years of Christian supremacy
This article is for all the white colonizers who are shocked that their bodily freedoms are being taken away.
When did the left become pro-war?
I wrote this two years ago but I didn’t publish it because I hoped that I was wrong.
What real journalism looks like
Because most of the US has either forgotten or never witnessed real journalism.
The Continued Desecration of Hindu Temples
Multiple temples in Greater Toronto have just been robbed and violated.
Deported Veterans Forced into Gangs
[…] US combat veterans who are immigrants who get deported after their military service.
Animals in War
You can mark this under “basic anti-imperialist analysis for the racist white vegans”.
Harry is Complaining. Again.
Here’s a list of my understanding of Prince Harry’s concerns. Beneath the list, I will address each of these concerns one by one.
The Queen’s Favorite Son, Veterans, and Rape Culture
Note that stripping Andrew of his titles and patronages was not the Queen's idea or desire.
Harry and Meghan
The British taxpayer has spent millions and millions and millions of pounds on Harry. That's pounds not dollars. I can't even imagine what the cost of Harry's royal life has been all these years.
Stop Drinking Poison
What would happen if I let one drop of clean drinkable water fall into a bottle filled with poison?
Sacred Trees and Colonizers
I learned recently that during the European winter solstice celebrations, Indigenous tribes in Northern Europe worshipped a particular evergreen tree.