1,600 years of Christian supremacy
*Trigger Warning* mention of abortion, genocide, rape, pedophilia, slavery, speciesism
Just so you know, I do not hold back in this article. If you’re looking for sweet words and conciliatory tone, this is not the place for you.
Photo credit: Phil Roeder. Image description: Inside of the Supreme Court of the United States, showing red velvet curtains on both the left and right sides of the image, drawn back to reveal nine dark brown seats behind a wooden podium. They are backed by four marble pillars and more red velvet curtains. Before the nine seats are more dark seats situated on a lower level, with dark pews behind them.
There’s a lot of shock and despair right now over the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade, a court ruling that legalized abortion in the US in 1973. The despair about this ruling is valid. The shock is not.
This article is for all the white colonizers who are shocked that their bodily freedoms are being taken away.
So Christian supremacy overturned Roe v Wade. Of course it did. Why wouldn’t it? Christian supremacy has been in control for the last 1,600 years. If you thought differently that’s because you’ve been living in a bubble of Christian and monotheist privilege. That privilege caused you to think the Christian religion and monotheism itself has had nothing to do with all of the suffering in the world. You probably have even had thoughts like: “Christianity helped the Civil Rights movement,” and “Christians were abolitionists fighting slavery,” and “not all Christians are bad.” When you get to the point of using “not all Christians” you’ve already lost the argument, my fragile Christian friend. Systemic oppression isn’t about individuals. Wake up.
Black and brown Christians in the Global South are also guilty of Christian supremacy, by the way. If that wasn’t true, they wouldn’t have forcibly converted the vast majority of their own people to Christianity. This destroyed Indigenous culture and identity because their land became dominated by Christianity while any last pieces of indigeneity were forced into hiding or stamped out. Of course, white Christians ultimately caused this when they colonized the world using their religion as justification. Look at this map:
Screenshot Image description: Map of the world on a white background with different colors for the countries according to religion. A color key in the bottom left explains the colors. Christianity dominates the planet with blue all over the Americas, Greenland, half of Africa, almost all of Europe, most of Russia, Australia, New Zealand and small Island nations. Islam dominates the most next with dark brown all over North Africa, the Middle East, Persia, and central Asia. Buddhism with yellow dominates east Asian countries of Tibet, half of China, Japan, etc. The other half of China is shown as Traditional Chinese with orange. India and Nepal are Hindu with light brown. Non-religious countries are shown with grey and are three small European countries. Israel is shown as Jewish with maroon. Strangely, there is another category called “Indigenous” that is in green, and shows very small areas in south East Asia, ignoring that Hinduism is Indigenous, Traditional Chinese is Indigenous, and Judaism is Indigenous. Small color coded pie charts at the bottom show the percentages of religions in Latin America, North America, Europe (all Christianity dominated), Africa (almost even split between Christianity and Islam with a small predominance of Indigenous), and Asia which is mixed (Islam, Hinduism, Traditional Chinese, Buddhism, non-religious, “Indigenous”, and Christianity).
This map shows which religions are predominant in which countries by color. Christianity, shown by dark turquoise, is overwhelmingly predominant in most of the planet, covering the Americas, Greenland, the southern half of Africa, Europe and north Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Islam is the next most predominant religion, covering the northern half of Africa, the Middle East, central Asia, and Indonesia. Both these religions are Abrahamic monotheisms that spread themselves through imperialism, slavery, and the genocide of Indigenous peoples. They both have historically justified themselves by saying they are the only true religion which is why they need to bring their religion to all the rest of the world.
It must be made clear that Judaism, an Abrahamic religion, did not colonize the world, does not forcibly convert people to Judaism, and has been the victim of both Christian and Islamic supremacy for centuries. Judaism’s stories and figures and beliefs were culturally appropriated and twisted by these colonizing imperialist empires in order to control more people and land. Abrahamic supremacy, however, does stem from the Jewish patriarch Abraham and his belief in a one true God. Abrahamic monotheism thus became Abrahamic supremacy enacted by Christian and Islamic supremacists all over the world. These are facts. It would be intellectually dishonest to ignore these facts. Another fact is that Judaism is older than Abraham’s patriarchy while Christianity and Islam took Abraham’s patriarchy and used it for their own ends.
Christian supremacy has thus always hated women, just like the Roman empire that created it by culturally appropriating Judaism. Christianity has always colonized and pillaged because it is an imperialist system of oppression of Rome. Christianity has always been at war with nature because it thinks only the Abrahamic woman-hating queer-hating male god should control the land. Christianity has always harmed children while billing itself as a savior of children. Christianity has always committed genocides because that is how it justifies itself. Christianity has always brainwashed its victims to think that they are the problem. So why wouldn’t Christianity use your own body as a weapon against you when that is the history of Christianity? Why are you shocked?
This is why it’s important to stop the “Christmas is social justice” nonsense. Christian supremacy has not saved you, is not saving you, will never save you. Christianity’s monotheist savior complex is literally why it is so murderous.
For all the Christians whining “but not me! I’m not like that!” did you give the land back to Indigenous people yet? Did you work to revive the Indigenous religions your ancestors destroyed? Did you dismantle all the Christian supremacist lies your ancestors told about those Indigenous religions? Did you remove from power every pedophile priest and pastor and the institutions that protect them? Did you give back all the money your ancestors stole? Did you do all of this? No? Then shut up. You are just like your Christian brethren, protected by and protecting your Christian privilege. Go ahead and prove me wrong. And by the way, if you do prove me wrong then you’re not actually proving me wrong. You’re showing that in order to do something just, you have to betray your own religion’s control over your behavior, and what does that say about you and your religion?
And for all the Christians whining about how Jesus wasn’t an imperialist woman-hater and that he was actually a cool hippie dude, and that the Supreme Court ruling isn’t a reflection on him, isn’t it? Because you can tell a lot about a God by the way that God’s followers behave. 1,600 years of non-stop violence, rape, pillage, and imperialism is pretty telling. Especially since there’s little evidence that Jesus even existed. It’s even possible that he was invented by Roman imperialists who purposely co-opted Jewish anti-imperialist movements to undermine them and force them into the fold of Roman influence which is exactly what happened. If you know anything about the psychological warfare imperialists wage against Indigenous peoples, you’ll understand that is actually the most likely scenario. Imperialists retell the history of the Indigenous peoples they colonize to excuse colonizer genocides and manipulate the surviving Indigenous people into their control. Imperialists have done this over and over and over again throughout history. That’s why Christianity blames Jews for harming their “savior” and glorifies the Christian Roman empire, despite the fact that any so-called Jesus will have been a Jew fighting the Roman empire for Jewish freedom. It’s really not hard to figure this out if you just look at the facts.
Right now, respected journalist Chris Hedges is talking about rise of Christian fascism, and has been talking about it for at least 15 years.
Except that the rise of Christian fascism that Hedges outlines as several decades old in the US, actually began approximately 1,800 years ago in the Roman empire, give or take a century because it’s somewhat unclear. That Christian fascism consolidated itself for sure 1,600 years ago when it became the official state religion of the Roman empire. Christianity has been in power ever since then almost everywhere it has gone. Chris Hedges’ own religion has been controlling everything worldwide for a very long time. Yes, that’s right, Chris Hedges is an ordained Christian minister. That means that for all his so-called insight and speaking truth to power, he is in power. His article isn’t about exposing Christian fascism, it’s about covering it up. That’s why he gets to pretend like Christian fascism has only been on the rise in the last few decades instead of acknowledging that Christian fascism is the reason why the entire world has been suffering for centuries and centuries. He’s never going to give up his colonizer Christian supremacist narrative, either. Don’t think you can talk sense into him. His function is to be out in public pretending like his religion is about liberation so that people like you can continue saying “not all Christians”.
Screenshot Image description: Article headline in black font on white background reads: “The Rise of American Fascism”. Subheading beneath reads: “Supreme Court rulings, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade, herald the ascendancy of Christian fascism in the United States.” Article by Chris Hedges is dated June 27, 2022.
His article is some of the most manipulative Christian and Abrahamic supremacist writing I’ve read in a long while. To excuse Christianity for the Holocaust, Hedges quotes a historical figure railing against Nazi “Paganism”, completely ignoring that the Nazis were Christians. He perpetuates Hinduphobia by demonizing the swastika, completely ignoring that the Nazi symbol was a Christian hakenkruez that Hitler saw in a Christian abbey. Hindus in this country are continuously under attack because of this Abrahamic supremacist smearing of their swastika but here is Chris Hedges pretending to care about minorities by demonizing minorities who are not Abrahamic. Read the article if you don’t believe me.
Newsflash: Chris Hedges is not going to save you.
Meanwhile, some of you might remember that President George W. Bush declared the war on terror to be a “crusade”.
W was a Christian Knight rushing to defend Christians from Islamic invaders, which is exactly the story Christians tell about the medieval crusades of the “holy land”. He pretended to care about protecting Christians against Islamic fundamentalist violence even though he was going to the Middle East to loot the land of its resources. This harmed the Christians living there, as well as everyone else, including Muslims and all the minorities who are not Christian or Muslim such as Hindus, Yezidis, Jews, Kaka’i, Sikhs, Sabean-Mandaeans, and Bahá’ís. Did you hear about the suffering of these communities in all these years of the war on terror? No? Why not? Do you think it might be because your media only cares when people of the majority Abrahamic religions get hurt?
The fact that the only land considered holy by Abrahamics is known worldwide as “the holy land” is casual Abrahamic supremacy. It’s imperialism. It’s indoctrination perpetuated by your media. Meanwhile, many Indigenous cultures consider all of Mother Earth to be holy. They defend their sacred Mother Earth and they don’t wage war against nature.
Did you know that Pope John Paul II declared a crusade — an actual crusade — in Asia in 1999, even before W’s infamous crusade remark? He was talking about all the lands still not controlled by Abrahamic supremacist monotheism. John Paul II told his bishops to start in India, a land that has somehow managed to defend the majority of its population from forced conversion to Abrahamic supremacy. India has managed to do this despite centuries of genocide and in doing so, they were shielding the rest of Asia too. Look at the map again:
Screenshot Image description: Map of the world on a white background with different colors for the countries according to religion. A color key in the bottom left explains the colors. Christianity dominates the planet with blue all over the Americas, Greenland, half of Africa, almost all of Europe, most of Russia, Australia, New Zealand and small Island nations. Islam dominates the most next with dark brown all over North Africa, the Middle East, Persia, and central Asia. Buddhism with yellow dominates east Asian countries of Tibet, half of China, Japan, etc. The other half of China is shown as Traditional Chinese with orange. India and Nepal are Hindu with light brown. Non-religious countries are shown with grey and are three small European countries. Israel is shown as Jewish with maroon. Strangely, there is another category called “Indigenous” that is in green, and shows very small areas in south East Asia, ignoring that Hinduism is Indigenous, Traditional Chinese is Indigenous, and Judaism is Indigenous. Small color coded pie charts at the bottom show the percentages of religions in Latin America, North America, Europe (all Christianity dominated), Africa (almost even split between Christianity and Islam with a small predominance of Indigenous), and Asia which is mixed (Islam, Hinduism, Traditional Chinese, Buddhism, non-religious, “Indigenous”, and Christianity).
The violence caused by the Christian colonizers in India is astronomical and continues to this day because the Christians are desperate to defeat the world’s largest Indigenous culture still in existence to this day: Hinduism. If you want to know more details about exactly why the Pope told his Bishops to begin their crusade of Asia in India, watch my presentation on Hindu Colonial Trauma and you’ll learn all out it.
Did you know that Pope Francis, considered by the social justice community to be an ally, is shielding pedophile priests under the guise of Christian forgiveness? He says that he can’t judge them because they have already confessed and it’s his duty to protect them. It’s not his duty to protect the children these pedophiles prey on, of course, it’s his duty to protect the pedophiles in the pedophile institution he runs. Obviously.
Did you know that there’s not one Christian denomination that doesn’t have an institutional pedophilia scandal? Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Presbyterian, Baptist, Mormon, Amish, and on and on. White, Black, brown, all of them. They all prey on children. Meanwhile, they bill themselves as “pro lifers” who are “saving children” from the “harlots” who abort them. That’s what anyone with a uterus is to Christianity: “Harlots”. They don’t see anyone with a uterus as a person with rights and humanity. Think that’s too harsh a judgement from me? Go read the Bible and you’ll see some harsh judgement.
Christian supremacy believes that women are chattel. That means that women are considered to be animals. Animals, Christianity says, exist for the benefit of humans because God gave animals to humans as food. By “humans” I’m referring to the Abrahamic supremacist belief that only male humans who believe in the Abrahamic one true god are “human”. Male Christian humans, therefore, are to profit from women the way they profit from animals. Just as Christians consume and profit from non-human animals, they also consume and profit from the bodies of peoples with uteruses. They take the land from them while forcing them to produce children who will also be consumed and controlled and turned into more foot soldiers to round up more people with uteruses. Anyone who resists this reign of terror, or simply exists outside of Christian control, is targeted with violence.
You see, if Christians aren’t raping children and people with uteruses and forcing them to give birth to babies who are then raised Christian, no one would want to be a Christian. You have to be brainwashed into that religion, you see. That means someone has to be either born into the religion, or preyed upon during their most vulnerable moments in life (such as slavery, rape, addiction, prison) where they’re made to beg Jesus to save them from the troubles that Christianity itself has caused them. There are very few people informed of Christian history who actually want to be Christian because who would want to belong to a rapist pedophile imperialist genocidal religion that has waged war on Mother Earth and all who love her? And if no one wants to belong to such a religion, how will the Christians maintain control of the money?
It’s about the money, my friend.
Christianity is the world’s richest religion, according to a 2015 study which stated that Christians owned at least 55% of the world’s wealth. The Catholic church is the world’s largest landowner, owning at least 70 million hectares. Why do you think that is? Could it be because of all the land, resources, and people they stole as they colonized the world? Yes. Yes it could. That means that all those Christian charities that are supposedly helping the poor are actually robbing the poor, just like all the Christian churches who say they’re fighting to defend children from abortion are actually raping and killing children.
The medieval crusades were about Christians wanting to control the rich trade routes through their “holy land”. The crusade the Pope announced against India in 1999 was about turning India, one of the world’s fastest growing economies and largest youngest population, into Christian owned territory. That’s a lot of children to rape and brainwash. That means control of the land and resources.
Meanwhile, Christianity has to work to retain control of the territory it already owns. So if you think that the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade now — almost exactly 50 years after the original Roe v Wade ruling — is somehow an accident, you are wrong. They have to overturn Roe v Wade in order to retain control over this land. Why? Because the US millennial generation is not having children. This is because most millennials can’t financially afford children so they have used contraception and abortion to prevent it. US millennials have also been turning away from the Church more and more. Both those things combined means that children are not being produced to be fodder for church rapists and the capitalist machine. The capitalist machine is the church rapists, in case that wasn’t clear already. If you think Pope Francis is somehow an anti-capitalist because he said some words about capitalism, he controls the Vatican Bank which is one of the most corrupt capitalist institutions in the world. Did he dismantle that bank and return all the money to the people his Church stole from? No one even knows how much money the Catholic church has in total because they keep quiet about how much they’re stealing.
This is about money and control of the land and people. It’s always been about that. Roe v Wade was overturned so that Christian supremacy would have more poor vulnerable children to prey upon and brainwash and thus retain control of the land and resources. Children are resources to these imperialists. People with uteruses are resources to these imperialists. If you have a uterus and you’re not producing children, they consider you to be a wasted asset and worse, an aging wasted asset. What happens when your uterus shrivels with age and you can’t produce any children for their empire to consume? Their empire will crumble without a renewed influx of foot soldiers and fresh blood. Therefore they have to move fast to ensure that you have no option but to be poor and pregnant with no savior but the Church.
And for all the people whining about how Jesus fought the money lenders in the temple and that he was about helping the poor, and that Jesus was actually an anti-capitalist, was he really? Just like how the US is built on slavery while pretending to be about freedom, huh? The Jesus story is imperialist psychological warfare, fool. It’s a retelling of history to manipulate you. Your Jesus is a lie because colonizers lie. Wake up.
Meanwhile, everyone’s despairing because Roe v Wade was overturned, completely ignoring that Congress can at any time pass a law making abortion legal nationwide. The Democrats right now have both a House and Senate majority along with the White House. Apparently, there’s also a suggestion that they can impeach the Supreme Court Justices and appoint new Justices. Therefore, there is no reason why they couldn’t pass a law making abortion access legal except that they won’t. I guarantee that they won’t do this. Instead, like a farmer with a donkey, they’ll dangle abortion access as their carrot to ensure the people vote for them in the 2022 midterms amid record houselessness, poverty, student debt, rape culture, endless war, climate change, and on and on. Abortion access is a weapon for the Democrats and they wield it against you. Both parties have, for decades, used the issue of abortion as an electoral weapon to make the people vote for them. The truth is that voting for either party is a vote for imperialism, endless war, rape culture, pedophilia, climate change, and economic disaster.
The Democrats will let people with uteruses be held hostage by Christian control because the Democrat Party is a Christian monotheist Abrahamic supremacist party just like the Republicans. Don’t believe me? How many presidents have been non-Christians or come from non-Christian non-Abrahamic families? Zero. The Democrats even used a modern day Jesus — a white Jewish man who supposedly cared about the poor named Bernie Sanders — to lure vulnerable young people stressed by relentless poverty and climate change back into Democrat clutches. Didn’t you notice how many media articles there were glorifying Sanders as if he was some Biblical hero when the truth is that he’s a Democrat party hack and betrayer of the poor? Bernie Sanders happily complied with the Democrat party agenda. He is a tool of the empire just like the original Jewish Jesus is a tool of the empire.
You are never going to be saved by voting in the US. You don’t live in a democracy. You live in an autocratic imperialist Christian supremacist patriarchal empire. You are not free.
The only real solution to Christian and Abrahamic monotheist supremacy is Land Back. Indigenous sovereignty with Indigenous religion over Indigenous land is the only solution.
Do you know what an example is of Indigenous religion for many tribes on Turtle Island? The Iroquois Great Law of Peace. The slave-owning rapist Abrahamic supremacist so-called founding fathers of the US culturally appropriated the Great Law of Peace for their own ends. That’s why, despite the fact that this religious law of the Iroquois is the basis for the US Constitution, you have never actually been free. Abrahamic supremacist imperialist slaving rapists are never going to set you free. In order to be free, you need Indigenous sovereignty with Indigenous religion on Indigenous land.
No one is coming to save you, colonizers. You have to save yourself. So dismantle the US empire and give the Land Back.
PS: For anyone who believes in vaccine mandates and says people should be fired for not getting vaccinated — because you think you have a right to decide what happens to someone else’s body — you are wrong. You were wrong months ago, you’re wrong now, and if you keep thinking that way, you’ll be wrong all the days of your future. Bodily autonomy is a human right. Medical autonomy is a human right. Believing in vaccine mandates while fighting for abortion rights is gross hypocrisy. I am not a hypocrite, so I’m making myself clear.
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National LGBT Hotline: 1-888-843-4564
Hotline for 2SLGBTQIA+: 1-519-752-HELP (4357)
How Islam spread with footage from Muslim missionary (video short)
Gender Based Violence and Systems of Oppression
Violent Christian missionaries in the Classical world
Details of Christianity’s spread around the world
Genocide of Indigenous Welsh religion by Christianity
The pillage of Hindu temples by Christians
Christian destruction for the sacred forests of Europe
Christianity’s war with Nature is their war against the Devil
Christian genocides victimized children
Christians blaming their crimes on Hindus
Christian justification of genocide
Christians gaslighting Indigenous people again
Possibility Jesus was invented by Rome
The Rise of American Fascism by Chris Hedges
The Nazi hakenkruez is not a swastika
George W Bush calls the war on terror a crusade
Pope John Paul II called for a crusade in Asia
1.8 billion avoidable deaths in India
1,000 Years of Hindu Colonial Trauma
Pope Francis protecting pedophiles
Catholic priests in Argentina, Pope Francis’ country, raping deaf children
Protestant Church pedophile scandal
Presbyterian Church pedophiles
Database of accused Catholic authority figures
Women treated like chattel in the Bible
Christianity is the world richest religion
India is the world’s youngest population
Bernie Sanders is the tool of the Democrat party