Proof I’m right
*Trigger Warning* threats of violence, death threats, gun threats
I receive death threats and gun threats all the time. Threats of mass shootings, explosions. Threats directed at my community. It’s normal for me. I’ve been receiving them for years now because these white Abrahamic supremacist imperialist patriarchs can’t stand it when I expose their lies. Their fragility is laughable.
If anything were ever proof about the systems of oppression, about Abrahamic supremacy, about the evil that is this empire, murdering little ol’ me would be it. They’re so threatened by one 5 foot 2 inch brown Hindu woman who has no money that they think killing me is some kind of victory. It’s proof they’re cowards. Proof they’re terrified that people are actually listening to me and are working to dismantle this empire.
Image description: Black font on white background reads: "I will kill everyone at jefferson park."
This is a threat to FTP’s Fundraising event for this Sunday, which this person is too out of the loop to know has already been rescheduled for October.
Image description: Black font on white background reads: “I will be tracking you down. Next time you're at a public event. Everyone will be shot. I am coming for you.”
Now, all the threats I get could be hoaxes, sure. And knowing these white Abrahamic supremacists, it could also be real. Abrahamic and white supremacy kills people everyday. Patriarchy kills people every day. Gun violence is normal in the United States of America and these men are so cowardly, they’ll hurt anyone to keep control of their empire. They’ve done it for well over 1,600+ years, going all the way back to the Romans. Remember that I told you that Jewish people were victims of this system of oppression. Remember that I told you that Italians are White. Remember that I told you that Hindu Colonial Trauma is 1000+ years old. Remember that I told you that the silencing and cultural appropriation of Hindus and other Indigenous peoples is integral to the functioning of this Abrahamic supremacist empire. Remember that I told you that imperialism has specific ancient tactics they still use to control and silence anyone they see as a threat.
These days the empire blames their violence on lone gunmen with mental problems when really, its imperialist brainwashing and mind control that creates these murderers.
The gunman, or the attacker, is always just a patsy who is to be pitied. He is being taken advantage of by a system that knows he’s too weak to think for himself. He’ll do the physical act of violence because he’s easily manipulated by those in power and those in power are always the 1%, the church, the corporation, the government, the police, the military industrial complex. He is just a pathetic henchmen without even a name tag. Remember that.
So if anything violent happens to me now or in the future, know that the empire did it using their weak brainwashed mind controlled patsy because little ol’ me is so powerful and is such a threat, I’m actually dismantling their empire.
Also know that they only did this after I exposed Abrahamic supremacy. Not capitalism. Not racism. Not rape culture. Abrahamic imperialist supremacy. You know why? Because it’s the oldest and most powerful form of worldwide control. I’m not talking about Jewish people controlling the world in some anti-semitic mythology. I’m talking about the white imperialists who culturally appropriated Jewish stories and Jewish figures to use them for their own ends, creating non-indigenous religions based on Abraham’s patriarchy. It was those Abrahamic imperialist supremacists who colonized the world, raped the world’s children, invented capitalism and racism. It has always been they who are the culprits.
In order to understand the problem, you have to go back to the roots of that problem. In order to understand worldwide systems of oppression we have to understand the imperialism and patriarchy that created those systems of oppression. That is what I’ve done through my entire life’s work. I’m going to continue doing it for as long as I exist in this life.
Remember my work. Share it everywhere. Let the people know that I’ve been targeted for years because I speak the truth.
And don’t worry about me. I’ve been ready for these patsys for a long time. I’ve said my prayers and my goodbyes well in advance. Just know that whatever happens, I’ll be happy and I’ll be home. This is my victory because by going after me, they prove my point for me. That’s how brown Hindu women like me get free labor out of white men.
1,600 years of Christian supremacy
1,000 years of Hindu Colonial Trauma
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