Creep Climate “Heroes”

Screenshot Image description: A picture outside on a boat in the sunshine with other boats or structures behind him. Leonardo DiCaprio stands wearing white trousers, a light blue shirt, and sunglasses, looking out towards the camera. Behind him stand five young slim women in bikinis turned away from the camera, wearing sunglasses, their long hair loose. Four have blonde hair, one has brown hair. One of them is holding a filled champagne flute.

All the totally unnecessary hype about "Don't Look Up" is a perfect example of the left ignoring the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is a disgusting creep because he says a few things they want him to say.

He is 45. He has never dated a woman over the age of 25. He normally begins dating someone at 20. He always dumps her when she reaches 25.

If you don't care about protecting young women from creeps, you don't care about Mother Earth.

So get lost with your reviews of Don't Look Up.

Leonardo DiCaprio has never showed up to help any of the grassroots climate action I've ever done over the years - and I've done a lot all over country for years. He has never donated money. He has never attended an action. He has never shared resources.

The only time I ever saw him show up was when he appeared specifically to, it seemed to me, creep on Greta Thunberg. I even pointed out at the time that her parents were irresponsible to allow her to be left alone with him.

Don't Look Up is not going to stop climate change. You don't need a movie to make you take climate action.

You have zero hope of defending the planet if you don't stop US imperialism. STOP YOUR COUNTRY'S ENDLESS WARS.


Screenshot of my Facebook post. Photos from here. Image description: On the right of the picture, Leonardo DiCaprio sits close to Greta Thunberg outside in the sun, both of them facing the golden sunlight, both of them are smiling broadly and looking towards the light. He is wearing a black cap, and a black t-shirt, and she is wearing a brown t-shirt, and a blue jacket. In the foreground on the left is a close up of Leonardo DiCaprio who is looking directly into the camera and smiling/smirking.

Below is my review of Leonardo DiCaprio's Climate documentary, Before the Flood, posted on Facebook on October 30 2016. It tells you everything you need to know about whether or not Leonardo DiCaprio is ever going to do anything to actually help the climate.


“21 mins in and most of the film so far has been about him. Every single expert he's spoken to has been a man, and all except Ban Ki Moon were white. We had a brief glimpse of Oprah but she didn't actually say anything and the clip was just to show that LEONARDO was on Oprah.

23 mins in, still all men, all white.

25 mins in, still all men, all white.

31 mins, one more man of color, an Asian (model minority).

32 mins finally a woman! And another! Both Chinese women, saying a brief comment each about air pollution in their country.

32 mins, back to Chinese man talking.

34 mins, another Chinese man.

35 mins, An actual woman speaker! Indian woman.

35 mins, back to a man (Indian man).

36 mins, back to the Indian woman. Leonardo talks about how he won't "argue" with her. (He didn't say anything about "arguing" with any of the white male "experts" we heard for the first 35 mins.)

37 mins, the Indian woman doesn't put up with Leo's bullshit. She says the most important stuff in the entire film for the next 2 mins.

43 mins, a man of color, President of an small Island nation.

44 mins, another man, Pacific Islander President.

Aaaand back to the white men.

A marine biologist, white male, just went on and on about coral reefs, Didn't once mention animal agriculture or ocean acidification.

47 mins, another woman! White woman.

49 mins, a woman of color, Indonesian. They put subtitles up even though she's speaking perfectly understandable English with only a very slight accent.

51 mins, back to white male. He blames individuals for buying palm oil, ignores system of capitalism.

52 mins, white male finally talking about animal agriculture!!! Talks about beef, changing diet. Leo doesn't talk about "arguing" with him.

56 mins, more white males, whining about how hard it is to find snow for their Hollywood movie.

57 mins, Leonardo doesn't understand irony.

58 mins, another white male. This time a very rich white male. Big surprise. At least this one is actually talking about solutions. Leo doesn't talk about "arguing" with him.

1 hr 1 min, another white male, going on and on about economics. Talks bullshit about how US politicians follow what the people want. Leo doesn't talk about "arguing" with him.

1 hr 4 mins, more white males. John Kerry pretends like the US government is doing something. Leo doesn't talk about "arguing" with him.

1 hr 7 mins, another white male. He predicts the end of the world. Leo doesn't talk about "arguing" with him. White male has a slight foreign accent, but no subtitles are provided.

1 hr 11 mins, a young girl of color is brilliant. Speaks for barely 10 secs before we go back to the white males.

1 hr 12 mins, a woman news anchor voice-over for 4 secs, then back to white males.

1 hr 13 mins, Barack Obama finally has something to say, Leo grins like a fool because clearly they're best friends. Obama dares to talk about being sentimental about the glaciers in Alaska. This is the guy who gave Shell permission to drill in the Arctic. This is the only black man in the entire film.

1 hr 17 mins, white male acknowledges how bad scientists are at being effective on communicating the climate issue. No shit, Sherlock. He does say some reasonable stuff, for the NEXT 6 MINUTES.

1 hr 24 mins, the most important white male of all, the Pope. At least this guy is trying, right? Leonardo grins like a fool. It's all about Leonardo meeting the Pope.

1 hr 28 mins, it's all about Leo. To be fair, he does speak truth to the politicians. The bad news is that he says everything is in their hands. Wrong again, Bob.


Final Tally of Women: 5 women and a female voiceover for 4 seconds. Leo said he wouldn't "argue" with the Woman of Color who spoke for 3 mins.

Final Tally of Men of Color: 6. The only black man was Barack Obama who is half white.

Final Tally of White Males: I stopped counting, there were so many.

Did this documentary actually do anything significant?

Not really. But at least it said some reasonable stuff about the massive efforts China and India are making to reduce their carbon emissions. The Indian woman was the only one who didn't put up with Leo's ego and actually made the most important points - BIG SURPISE.

Leonardo, I appreciate that you're trying but really, stop talking to white males and start talking to the actual people who are leading the movement. I can't sit through another interminable documentary like this.




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What is this Movement anyway?


When does a person start “Feeling Old”?