The Truth about US Supremacy
*Trigger Warning* Facts Americans won’t like
By Huguireerian flags (not affiliated with this website)
Image description: A picture of the US flag with 50 white stars in the top left blue corner. There are 13 stripes of alternate red and white on the rest of the flag.
The truth is that the US population will never dismantle its war machine no matter how much they tell you they are anti-war. They depend on their war machine to keep their privilege as the people of the world superpower.
That's why the left defends the war machine under a Democrat president and the right defends the war machine under a Republican president. It'll never end because both sides are trained to always look out for the US empire.
Did you know that Barack Obama started 5 wars? How many anti-war protests were there during his presidency? Now the left screams for war with Russia, as if they understand anything happening in Ukraine. They didn't care at all about Obama's invasion of Syria, Libya, the Yemen genocide, droning children in Pakistan, or Somalia.
Meanwhile, the right wants to pretend like they suddenly care about war. But did any of them hold anti-war protests to stop Trump's orchestrated coup in Bolivia? How about protesting US sanctions on Venezuela?
The rest of the entire world cries out under the weight of the US boot, but the US duopoly marches on, just like Rome's soldiers marched on no matter who suffered under their rule.
The US is the evil empire and its people are its base of support. They have been programmed to be that support through their media, their school education, their party politics, their childish naïveté about US "goodness".
And they're never going to stop. As long as you think appealing to their conscience is going to change them, any anti-war movement is doomed to fail. Their programming won't allow "conscience" to exist. The only way you might reach them is if you break their programming.
To break their programming, you have to understand how mind control works. To understand how mind control works, you have to study imperialism and patriarchy.
That's what I've been trying to do for years now. I'm been trying to educate about imperialism and patriarchy. Help me do this.
Happy Gregorian New Year, dictated by the Christian supremacist empire that still exists today in the form of the USA.
By Maksim Sokolov ( (not affiliated with this website)
Image description: A picture with light grey background at the top that darkens into black at the bottom. There is a stylized red peace sign in the center. Overlaid on the peace sign in white font reads: “Into blind darkness pass they who worshop ignorance; into still greater darkness they who are content with knowledge.” Attribution this quote is given below to Isavasya Upanishad, a Hindu scripture.
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