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White words out of Black and Brown mouths
Do not assume that people who call themselves "social justice activists" or "leftists" have a decolonial analysis.
Animals in War
You can mark this under “basic anti-imperialist analysis for the racist white vegans”.
Harry is Complaining. Again.
Here’s a list of my understanding of Prince Harry’s concerns. Beneath the list, I will address each of these concerns one by one.
“Anti-Oppression” and Cultural Appropriation
Imagine if a non-Indigenous based "anti-oppression" group decided to lead sweat lodges and offered that "as a service" to the social justice crowd. Imagine if the people they chose to conduct those sweat lodges were white. Imagine if they called that "anti-oppression".
The Queen’s Favorite Son, Veterans, and Rape Culture
Note that stripping Andrew of his titles and patronages was not the Queen's idea or desire.
Roman genocide of Druids
Today I learned more about the Roman genocide of Indigenous Britannia (modern day Britain).
Nightmare of the Wolf Review
One of my friends read my review of Witcher Season 2 and mentioned that watching the animated prequel “The Nightmare of the Wolf” could give insight into Season 2. She said I should take a look if I had time, since the prequel was only about 1 hour long. So I did. And I have lots to say about it.
Harry and Meghan
The British taxpayer has spent millions and millions and millions of pounds on Harry. That's pounds not dollars. I can't even imagine what the cost of Harry's royal life has been all these years.
Our Media is Much Worse than You Think
They want us to believe that none of the hard-hitting "investigative journalists" at CNN noticed that one of their own was a pedophile and a rapist. They didn't notice for 8 years according to the higher ups at CNN.
Creep Climate “Heroes”
All the totally unnecessary hype about "Don't Look Up" is a perfect example of the left ignoring the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is a disgusting creep because he says a few things they want him to say.
When does a person start “Feeling Old”?
I know I'm not old. I get it.
But when you've gone up against as much as I have, and then you look into the faces of people who are new and fresh to the movement and have no clue of the viciousness they're about to deal with, it makes you feel old.
Hindu Multiverse Culturally Appropriated for Profit
Western "scientists" were staggered in the 20th century when they realized all the Hindu theories they'd sneered at for centuries could well be true.
Stop Drinking Poison
What would happen if I let one drop of clean drinkable water fall into a bottle filled with poison?
What my logo means
Here’s a brief video from Bloom where I showed an artistic creation of mine and explained its meaning. I chose to talk about my new logo, designed this year for this website.
Sacred Trees and Colonizers
I learned recently that during the European winter solstice celebrations, Indigenous tribes in Northern Europe worshipped a particular evergreen tree.
What “glorious” chapters, Ken?
Ken Burns thinks there have been “glorious” chapters in US history. I’d like to ask him which chapters he considers to be “glorious”.