What my logo means

I recently spoke at For The People’s annual Fundraiser Bloom, which was online and brought together community members from up and down the west coast and across Turtle Island too.

I do what I do as a community organizer because I have the financial support system of For The People for my organizing projects. I would never be able to survive in this work if not for that backing. If you’d like to contribute to For The People’s fundraiser, you can do so here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfiPzonUQC9YhWUBjXBq2tWce2W9HzZlG3He-rwoV81OeWoCg/viewform

Here’s a brief video from Bloom where I showed an artistic creation of mine and explained its meaning. I chose to talk about my new logo, designed this year for this website.


Stop Drinking Poison


Sacred Trees and Colonizers