Never trust a politician

Chronicles of Ro Khanna and his progressive colleagues

Congressman Ro Khanna stands at a podium in front of microphones at the capitol in Washington. He is wearing a dark suit and a red tie. Behind him is a crowd of people and the capitol building.

Screenshot Image description: Congressman Ro Khanna stands at a podium in front of microphones at the capitol in Washington. He is wearing a dark suit and a red tie. Behind him is a crowd of people and the capitol building.

Originally posted on April 5th 2021 on my Facebook page:

Ro Khanna really is the most disgusting person in practically every way. What else could anyone expect from a man who will stab his own people in the back.

Yes, ALL men. Yes, even the ones who say they care about workers. Yes, even the ones who say they're anti-war. Yes, even the ones who worked on Bernie's campaign - ESPECIALLY the ones who worked on Bernie's campaign.

Did you know that Ro Khanna has hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in weapons corporations, despite all his so-called anti-war talk? Yes, Ro Khanna.

Yes, ALL men. And all their women colleagues too. ALL people in power. You don't get into power without corrupting yourself, that's how the system works, that's how it will always work. Never trust a politician.

If you're surprised at this point then I really can't help you and I don't have the patience to even try.

Screenshot Image description: Daily Beast article headline showing black text on a white background. Headline reads: “Dem Rep. Ro Khanna Quietly Backs Away From Matt Gaetz After Claiming They ‘Hang Out’” Article is dated at the bottom: “Mon, April 5, 2021”.

Originally posted on March 25th 2021 on my Facebook page:

This fraud Ro Khanna is now trying to pretend like he cares about his own community. He doesn't give a damn about Hindus and never did, he's just trying to win his next election and realizes that no one is going to back him up but his own people since he's failed to fight for medicare for all, minimum wage, and pretty much anything the people need.

And guess what? Hindus are not going to back him up, or at least they SHOULDN'T back this fraud.

Bengali Hindus who died in a horrific genocide THAT CONTINUES TO THIS DAY deserve A LOT MORE than one little tweet from this global north capitalist western supremacist. Where are you when Bengali Hindus desperately need refuge, Ro? Where are you when they beg for help, Ro? Where are you when they are trafficked and raped and killed every day, Ro??

Shut up, Ro.

Those of us who are trying to actually defend Hindus are so done with you.

Screenshot of Congressman Ro Khanna’s tweet in black text on a white background. Tweet reads: “Today marks the 50th anniversary of the 1971 Bengali Hindu Genocide. Millions were killed or displaced in what was one of the most forgotten genocides of our time. I stand with the Bengali Hindu diaspora & humans rights activists to ensure that we and the world never forget.”

Screenshot A tweet showing black text on a white background. Tweet reads: “Mr Khanna, today also marks the 50th anniversary of Bengali Hindu Genocide, about which you tweeted, but deleted the tweet in matter of hours. Why did you delete that tweet? What's this hold? and by who? on the likes of you that you cannot stand by your own people?”

Originally posted on December 28th 2020 on my Facebook page:

More than 15 million people have lost healthcare coverage during this coronavirus pandemic. That means that there are now over 95 million people who are uninsured or underinsured in this country.

If we don't force a vote on Medicare For All now, we won't get another chance for the next 5 years. The Dems will lose the house in 2022, and if Nancy Pelosi becomes speaker this next month, she'll never ever bring a vote on it just like she's never brought it to a vote for the last 10+ years that she's been speaker. She has refused and continues to refuse to bring the most popular policy in the country - Medicare For All - to a vote.

The only way to make this happen is if the so-called progressive caucus refuse to vote for her as Speaker of the House unless she brings a vote on Medicare For All to the floor. We need them to vote on universal healthcare in the middle of a global pandemic. Let them show the people beyond a shadow of a doubt who they really are. And if the pressure is too much for them and they cave and actually vote yes for us, that means WE FINALLY GET MEDICARE FOR ALL. It's a win win win. A century long struggle for healthcare in this country would finally achieve a significant victory. This is our one chance happening right now and it is our only chance for years to come.

Pramila Jayapal introduced the Medicare For All bill into the House but she's not supporting this force the vote campaign even though it's on her own bill. Why do you think that is?

Bernie ran for President twice with Medicare For All as his signature issue but he's not supporting this force the vote campaign on a bill he ran on. Why do you think that is?

AOC ran for Congress on Medicare For All, endorsed Bernie Sanders' run for president because he was running on Medicare For All, but she's not supporting this force the vote campaign. Why do you think that is?

Ro Khanna, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Presley, Rashida Tlaib, and on and on, they all are not supporting this campaign to pressure Nancy Pelosi to bring the Medicare For All vote to the floor. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS?

Think, McFly.

I put the link to be part of the pressure campaign in the comments because fb is suppressing posts on this issue. Why do you think fb might be doing that?

Originally posted on April 20th 2020 on my Facebook page:

Ro Khanna, Bernie's campaign co-chair is a real piece of work. Before the coronavirus really hit the US in a big way, he dumped a bunch of stocks in hotels, and bought a bunch of stocks in pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. That means he's making money off of the coronavirus... No wonder Bernie's campaign said and did nothing to stop the pandemic until it was too late. They didn't advocate for UBI, they didn't advocate for emergency medicare for all. They didn't advocate for rent and mortgage freezes. They waited, until the virus was all over the country and every state was affected.

Ro Khanna and his wife are extremely wealthy. They have investments in defense companies despite the fact that he pretends to be anti-war. He is also invested in pipeline companies despite the fact that he pretends to care about climate change.

Watch Robbie Jaegar break it down in this video.

Originally posted on May 20th 2020 on my Facebook page:

This legislation prevents politicians from being able to profit off the stock market while they are in positions of government power where they can manipulate the stock market.

You know, like how Nancy Pelosi became a $100 millionaire investing in real estate WHILE IN OFFICE, and presided over the 2008 housing crisis, the biggest housing crisis (ie. land grab) since the Great Depression.

You know, like how Ro Khanna has hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in defense companies while pretending that he's anti-war and introducing so-called anti-war legislation that has massive loopholes that allow for WAR.

You know, like how Dianne Feinstein, Bill Burr, Ro Khanna and many others dumped threatened stocks and invested in Big Pharma to make money off this pandemic.

Remember how all the Democrats were so outraged that politicians were making money off the pandemic???

ZERO House Democrats cosponsored this bill that would prevent that from happening again.

Let me repeat: ZERO House Democrats cosponsored Tulsi Gabbard's bill that would prevent them from corruption.

That includes AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and all the other so-called "progressives".

They are not working for you. Wake up.

At the top across the image is a picture of metal fossil fuel infrastructure at night. Below in black text on a white background article headline reads: “Months After Divesting, Ro Khanna’s Spouse Keeps Trading Fossil Fuel and Defense Stocks”.

Screenshot Image description: At the top across the image is a picture of metal fossil fuel infrastructure at night. Below in black text on a white background article headline reads: “Months After Divesting, Ro Khanna’s Spouse Keeps Trading Fossil Fuel and Defense Stocks”. Subheading below reads: “Khanna's most recent financial transaction filing shows January trades in Phillips 66, General Dynamics, and more.” Article is dated at the bottom of image to Feb 16, 2022.

And just in case you get cocky about trusting Tulsi Gabbard, here’s my open letter on her transphobia.



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