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Attack on Hindu freedom of religion
There's a Hinduphobic campaign going on in California right now.
Who is telling you the truth?
If you want to know which media to believe, look for the ones who are attacked by the right, the center, and the left.
It’s now OK to not believe Survivors
Survivors, this article is not for you. This is for all these people who don’t believe us because they say we’re not “credible”. It is highly triggering.
Remember Torture?
Remember waterboarding? Abu Ghraib? The violation of habeas corpus? Guantanamo Bay? Remember how Bush and Cheney presided over the detainment without trial of brown people around the world as well as US citizens? Remember how they justified it as necessary for “national security”? Remember how TV networks put out shows like ‘24’ that brainwashed people into believing that torture was normal and necessary — even justified — despite how torture has been proven again and again to lead to faulty information, vengeful enemies, and even more death and destruction in the creation of extremist groups?
Open Letter to Anti-War Trump Supporters
I address this letter to you because I have a strange feeling that you might want to hear what I have to say.