Defend Mother Earth: Stop US Imperialism
Originally published Sept 27th 2020 on my fb page. Nothing has changed.
If we don't stop US imperialism we are all doomed no matter who is president.
The US military is the world's largest user of oil.
As well as the wars the US is already waging or involved in: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, the Mexican Drug war, Venezuela, Bolivia, and 22 African countries (Algeria, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Côte D’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania and Tunisia) the US is also facing the very real possibility of armed conflict with Russia and China. Russia and China are nuclear armed countries, just like us.
In 2013 the Pentagon stated that the US had "around" 5,000 bases worldwide. Who knows how high that number is now, in Sept 2020.
It's only going to get worse. As climate change makes resources harder to find, US imperialism will turn to extracting water, food, fuel, materials, and more out of even more countries. Lithium is the next gold rush and is the reason for the coup in Bolivia. Mexico also has lithium. So does Afghanistan. It'll go on and on until we are all dead.
We have to stop US imperialism. There is no other way.
The only way to truly stop US imperialism is to decolonize. Crush your greed and Give. The. Land. Back.
#SmashThePatriarchy #SmashTheEmpire #WhiteSupremacistPatriarchy