Systemic CSA Resources

For Imperialism II: Systemic Child Sex Abuse presentation


Some of these resources are from different parts of the political spectrum. Information to protect children is important regardless of where it comes from. We don’t have to like the people who wrote these resources. We don’t have to agree with everything they say about every topic. It’s the factual information that is key. Not accessing factual information because we don’t like who wrote it means that critical information is held by political gatekeepers.

Protecting children is our priority so don’t be distracted by the left / right debate or use that as a reason to deprioritize the safety of children.

Zarna’s presentations connected to this issue:


Zarna’s articles


More resources


Roman empire


Church demoninations sex abuse scandals


Islamic empire


Christian pedophilia in Black and brown lands


British pedophilia


US pedophilia


5,200 Pentagon employees suspected of viewing child pornography

20,000 children disappear from foster care

American elite pedophiles

Children trafficked to politicians in DC

Church and law work together to protect rapist pedophiles in Arizona

Cops sex trafficking children

Conspiracy of Silence (documentary) (Franklin scandal)

Deer Creek High student licking and sucking toes of adults during “Fundraising” week (video)

Dennis Hastert, Former Speaker of the House

Department of Justice: “Pizza” is code for child pornography

“False Memory Syndrome” fraud

FBI: Pedophile symbols

Franklin Scandal (book) by Nick Bryant

Franklin scandal: Boys given White House tours

Franklin scandal survivor interview (video long)

Ghislaine Maxwell and her father Robert Maxwell

I was a Child Bride (documentary)

Instagram child modeling world (video long)

Jeffrey Epstein and P. Diddy coverup

Jeffrey Epstein little black book

Jeffrey Epstein mentor Leslie Wexner

Jeffrey Epstein private calendar

Jeffrey Epstein victim who testifed against Ghislaine Maxwell dies

Jeffrey Epstein - US government organized crime

Joe Biden secretly flying migrant children to New York

Joe Biden’s pedophile friendly judge (video)

Joe Biden’s son Beau was lenient on admitted child rapist Dupont Heir

Joe Biden, US Military, and Kids in Cages

Judge in for-profit prisons scandal

Kinsey’s pedophiles (documentary)


Pentagon workers downloading child pornography

Pizzagate exposed Part 1

Pizzagate exposed Part 2

Pizzagate and Balenciaga

QAnon a possible FBI psyop

Rape culture in entertainment industry

“Ritual abuse”

Rewind  (documentary) (on intergenerational child sex abuse)

“Satanic Panic” of 1980s revisited

Utah ritualized child sex abuse investigation


CIA, MK Ultra, mind control


CIA / Hollywood / cults / entertainment industry


Balenciaga child pornography

Bollywood child sex trafficking

Bollywood alleged murder and child sex trafficking (video long)

Bollywood films that celebrate pedophilia

CIA connections to cults

Chairman Mao cult in China brainwashed youth to want to kill their own parents

Charles Manson cult

Diddy: “he was selected […] to keep the culture in line so the industry could continue to rape it.”

Diddy survivor Mesha graphic (video)

Drake Bell sexually assaulted by acting coach Brian Peck

Dr. Phil’s Teen Ranch (video long)

Fashion designer Peter Nygard (video)

Finders Cult and CIA (video long)

Finders Cults archive (video and documentary)

Hollywood executive’s son Sam Haskell decapitated his wife

Hollywood’s pedophilia epidemic

Japan’s J-Pop industry (video long)


Jonestown was a CIA massacre?

Kenyan Christian cult convinces people to starve themselves and their children to death

Klaus Kinski raped his own daughter for years, still celebrated as a great actor

Korean pop stars drugging and sex trafficking women (video long)

Korean pop stars who are Christian

K-pop stars and British royal family

K-pop stars and Christianity

Masonic Lodge goes on trial for conspiracy

Menendez Brothers (documentary)

Menendez Brothers: Revisiting the trial (video playlist)

Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All (documentary series)

Mick Jagger raped a 15-year-old

National Security Cinema (book) by Matthew Alford and Tom Secker

Oprah’s spiritual healer sentenced to 99 years for raping girls and women, accused of baby trafficking

Pedophilia/Rape culture in entertainment industry

Poor Things film - mind control and child who becomes a sex worker role dismissed as not difficult

Roman Polanski and Quentin Tarantino “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood”

Roman Polanski / Sharon Tate marriage

Roman Polanski Oscars standing ovation

Sarah Lawrence sex cult (documentary series)

Scotty Bowers and Hollywood (documentary)

Sister Wives reality show son found dead at 25 of apparent suicide

Star Wars child star diagnosed with schizophrenia, has psychotic break

The Family cult in Australia

Tulsi Gabbard fires 100 intelligence officers for sexually explicit chat messages


Pedophile agenda


How western media works


Independent media to follow

