Name That Oppression Resources

For workshop of the same name. Last updated February 2024.


This is just a beginning. There are more resources on this site and in my other educational offerings.

Check out my next events here because everything I do is connected.

Some of Zarna’s presentations / workshops connected to this issue (contact her to request an event)


1,000 Years of Hindu Colonial Trauma (course)

Anti-Patriarchy training (course)

Colonization and Animals (presentation)

Decolonizing Non-Profit Structures (workshop)

How to Talk to Your Ancestors (workshop)

Ending Gender Based Violence (presentation)

Imperialism (course)

  1. From Ancient Rome to the USA

  2. Systemic Child Sex Abuse

  3. Cultural Appropriation

  4. Q&A

Online Security (workshop)

Power and Privilege (workshop)

Understanding the Trauma of Sexual Violence (workshop)






A People’s History of the United States - Howard Zinn

Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins

First Voices - Patricia A. Monture

Soil Not Oil - Vandana Shiva

The Beautiful Tree - Dharampal

War is a Racket by Smedley Butler








For The People (supporting grassroots organizers)

Heron’s Nest (land back project)

La Resistencia (on Facebook) (immigration justice)

Municipal Eco Resiliency Project (PDX food & climate justice)

Plant for the Planet (elementary school children)

Raging Grannies (find them on Facebook) (seniors)

United Student Leaders (high school youth)




Anti-imperialism (4-week course)

Buy Nothing Project

Confronting Hinduphobia (8-week course)

Decolonizing Yoga

Kicking Gas (getting low income households off dependence on natural gas)

rePurpose (zero waste living)

Real Rent Duwamish (local Seattleites paying rent to their real landlords - the native people)

This is Zero Hour (youth climate activists taking action - read their platform)


Zarna Joshi


Zarna’s articles on imperialism and patriarchy (some more)


How the media works