Imperialism Resources
For Imperialism I: From Ancient Rome to the USA presentation
Last updated Sept 2023
Some of these resources are from different parts of the political spectrum. Information to dismantle the empire is important regardless of where it comes from. Not accessing or sharing factual information because we don’t like who wrote it means that critical information is withheld by gatekeepers.
Decolonizing is our priority so don’t be distracted by the left / right debate (which was invented by white men).
Check out my next events here because everything is connected.
This presentation was inspired by this article:
Zarna’s videos connected to imperialism:
Ancestors and Land (video short)
Anti-Blackness and Cultural Appropriation (video short)
Are you on the wrong side of history? (video long)
Fight Back - Coalition Building (video series)
Gender based violence presentation (video series)
Hindu colonial trauma presentation (video series)
Zarna Responds series (video series)
Zarna’s articles…
…on systems of oppression:
1,600 Years of Christian supremacy
Armenian defeat and drone warfare
Continued Desecration of Hindu Temples
Hindu Ancestors forced to fight Britain’s WWI and WWII
Institutionalized worldwide pedophilia
Internalized Oppression in Wales
More resources…
Catholic Homophobia (2024)
China now using Gait Recognition Software to identify individuals (video short)
Christian churches continue to steal land in India
Climate change and systems of oppression (video long)
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins
Desirability politics (video long)
Disparity in mortality by sexual orientation study
Gaslighting and beyond by Ganesha Gold Buffalo
SNL Skit: George Soros talking about devaluing the US Dollar (video short)
Imperialist spying and bribing
Indigenous feminisms (video long)
Kian Xie and Imperialism’s impact on East Asian / Chinese spirituality and religion (video long)
Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the rise of Monotheism by Jan Assmann
Lesbian and bisexual women live shorter lives due to discrimination
Propaganda multiplier Media navigator
US academia gets foreign funding
War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
Whiteness: US laws says Arabs are white, Hindus are not white (video short)
…on CSA and rape culture:
20,000 children disappear from foster care
British army modern day rape culture
British venereal disease and sexual slavery
Children trafficked to politicians in DC
Goan Inquisition (video)
Jeffrey Epstein - US government organized crime
Joe Biden secretly flying migrant children to New York
Joe Biden, US Military, and Kids in Cages
Judge in for-profit prisons scandal
Paedophiles in Parliament (documentary)
Rape culture in entertainment industry
Tulsi Gabbard fires 100 intelligence officers for sexually explicit chat messages