Expand Your Knowledge of Worldwide Imperialism…

So You Can Nurture The Healing Both You And Your Clients Need.

Enrollment for March-May 2025 classes is now open.

“By examining the historical tactics of imperialism we can understand intergenerational traumas and unlock pathways to healing. Resisting imperialism is the ultimate medicine we all need.”

— Zarna Joshi, creator of Imperialism course

You wish to provide inclusive non-racist therapy for your diverse clients including veterans, refugees, Indigenous peoples, immigrants, and more…

… But how will you achieve that goal if you are held back by imperialist narratives and your own unconscious biases?


What if you could study centuries of imperialist history in just 9 weeks — in alignment with your inclusive values for healing and wellness?


What if you could stop playing wack-a-mole with mental health issues by getting to the historical roots of trauma — finally reaching your most authentic, confident, and truthful path forward?


What if you could build a legacy of generational healing in families everywhere — leading to friendship and peace between colonized communities and the descendants of imperialists?

Does this sound like you?

*Trigger Warning*

  • You wish to help your clients address many mental health issues including PTSD, anxiety, and depression, leading to better health outcomes and a more stable community.

  • You dream of a world without generational traumas, where your clients can heal, grow, and lovingly raise their next generations without DV or racial trauma.

  • You hold yourself to high standards when it comes to serving your clients and community — and you want to run a therapy practice that genuinely helps while avoiding doing harm.

  • You encourage your clients to heal from the roots of their trauma instead of just band-aid solutions — because you know what real healing looks and feels like and want that to be the norm.

  • You’ve devoted yourself to being a therapist…but you recognize that you also have your own healing to do.

The Path to Success

Let’s be clear:

Being trained in therapy techniques is a big step in the right direction but…

How long will you address addictions, PTSD, and so many mental health disorders when the causes of those traumas never cease?

How long will you help veterans, only for them to be deployed to yet more war?

How long will you try to help refugees and immigrants, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before another batch of refugees and immigrants arrives?

Is the endless pipeline of survivors something therapists should hope for or work to eliminate?

Getting to the point of understanding this question is critical. It’s like stepping back and looking at a wall that you’ve been trying to scale for years.

It’s time to stop trying to scale that wall — it’s time to break through that wall altogether.

That breakthrough will come from learning the history of imperialism.

Through studying this history we can understand who we are, where we’ve come from, and how we got here. By looking at that reality, we can expose the exact pressure points that have led to our current mental health challenges. Then we can finally address those pressure points and work toward long term healing.

I invite you to this breakthrough that will spark deeper conversations, honest revelations, and wisdom that can only come from your Indigenous ancestors.

Yes, everyone has Indigenous ancestors. You just have to travel far back enough in history to find them.

It’s not easy.

This is a difficult spiritual process that requires hard work but it is worth the challenge.

Through this journey, you will access ancestral wisdom that can heal you and your clients.

Notice that I’m not using industry fad terms like “shadow-work” or “ego death”. That’s because these terms are tainted by imperialism. In my course you will learn exactly why it’s dangerous for your clients and your own mental health to use such terms. You’ll learn what you can do instead that is healthy, honest, and accountable because it comes from the truth.

The truth won’t let you sugarcoat history.

Or pretend like forgetting painful events is possible.

Or believe whatever imperialist narratives you’ve been fed.

It’s about facing reality — so that you can remember that your forgotten ancestors’ stories still resound in your body.

It’s about looking at archeological evidence, historical accounts, numbers, statistics, and many other types of information. Through this, you can begin to understand historical patterns of behavior, cycles of toxic relationships, and connections between world events that have led to you being right here right now.

This wisdom will deeply impact your therapy work by providing meaningful insight on the underlying issues affecting both you and your clients — transforming your therapy practice toward true long term generational healing.

Imperialism course is exactly what you need to unlock that genuine healing for yourself and your community.

Right now, you might be struggling to…

  • Connect on a deeper level with youth, adults, and elder clients — because the therapy isn’t going into their generational trauma.

  • Achieve lasting healing — because it’s difficult to move away from “band-aid” solutions towards real transformation without a deeper analysis.

  • Create expansive success — because breaking through racial stereotypes and imperialist narratives without knowing what the world was like before those stereotypes and narratives were created is almost impossible to do.

Imagine If…

  • You could recognize imperialist patterns impacting both you and your clients and respond gracefully to interrupt those patterns.

  • You could attract an increased volume of clients because they trust that you will see their full humanity.

  • You could address systemic war as a mental health issue before the next batch of refugees is created.

  • You could prevent generations of trauma instead of trying to heal it.

  • You could protect children from harm instead of waiting for them to become survivors.

in 9 Weeks

This March - May, I invite you join Imperialism course and access a wealth of insight into global anti-imperialist communities.

In just nine weeks, you’ll experience a total transformation in your approach to your clients, your role in their healing, and your mission to inspire genuine long-term success in the field of mental health.

You’ll finally be able to recognize the patterns that affect every situation — that paradigm shift will be huge for you and your clients.

You’ll be equipped with the wisdom and clarity to identify their specific needs, rising above the noise of racial and ethnic stereotypes to a path of healing that will last generations.

“I wish I could find an anti-imperialist therapist who would give me the help I need as a displaced descendant of Indigenous refugees.”

— Zarna Joshi


Imperialism course

I invite you to a challenging spiritual journey.*

  • Nine weeks of eye-opening insights into the biggest barriers to collective healing, including your own healing.

  • Understand how systemic war permeates our society and mental health, even in those without combat experience or family members in the armed forces.

  • Deep dive into the clear, resounding historical truths that live in our bodies and minds.

  • See the results in your own life, so you can stop questioning your effectiveness for your clients.

  • Become the best option for your clients because you’re helping them uproot imperialist narratives and re-root ancestral Indigenous wisdom.

Each live weekly session is two hours long.

The education includes group discussion and Q&A with myself, Zarna Joshi, as your facilitator.

Course attendees also benefit from a private one-hour session with myself.

*Trigger Warning*

*It is important to note that this course will inspire spiritual development and healing BUT this course itself is not a spiritual or healing space. It is an educational space. You must work on your healing and spiritual development outside of course time.

If you apply and are accepted into the course, you will be sent self-care guidelines and it will be up to you to follow those guidelines for your own health.

Only you are responsible for your own healing and development.

Here’s What You Get Inside Imperialism course

  • Trigger Warning

    Your wake up call

    • How the USA is a continuation of Rome

    • An overview of specific tactics Rome used to control and dominate

    • How Rome’s tactics are continued by the USA

    • The next war will be about…

    • What religion has to do with it

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll study the long term effects of worldwide Imperialism

    • What these tactics mean for human rights

    • What these tactics mean for sexual violence rates

    • What these tactics means for mental health

    • What these tactics mean for spiritual and religious welfare

    • What we can do

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll study painful and forgotten evidence.

    • How old this system of oppression really is

    • Who created this system of oppression and why

    • Tracing this system of oppression throughout history

    • How to recognize the evidence

    • What sources to trust and to not trust

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll expose current day traumas

    • What happened when the US took over as the world superpower

    • What role a major scientific study had systemic in CSA

    • How the CIA is connected to systemic CSA

    • How the entertainment industry is connected to CSA

    • The role of cults

    • How the public is unconsciously exposing children to harm

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll examine the long term consequences.

    • The children no one protects

    • What the long term ramifications are of not dismantling this system of oppression

    • What we can do to protect children

    • What pitfalls to remember

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll examine why imperialists use Indigenous practices.

    • How cultural appropriation is not a surface issue but deeply permeates worldwide oppression

    • Who profits and who suffers from cultural appropriation

    • How religions fit into the picture

    • The difference between cultural appropriation and cultural syncretism

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll look at the true danger of this system of oppression

    • The long term damage caused by cultural appropriation

    • How Indigenous communities are irrevocably harmed

    • How cultural appropriation feeds itself

    • How the cycle of abuse continues

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll study how everyone has become part of this system

    • How this issue is connected to nature

    • Why this issue is at the heart of imperialism

    • How we can use this issue to create healing

    • What we can do to dismantle a tactic so deeply embedded in our psyches

  • Trigger Warning

    Ask any questions left unsaid.

    • We’ll go through questions raised in feedback forms and emails

    • We’ll bring up questions raised in private meetings (if appropriate and consensual) for the whole group to benefit

    • Ask anything else on your mind

    • This is your chance — don’t leave out anything from processing the last nine weeks

Grounded in Community:

How would your life improve if you knew the truth of imperialist history?

The truth has been erased from mainstream discourse on purpose. Snippets of reality might be exposed but they are still only snippets. That makes it difficult for you to find the anti-imperialist education you need because accurate resources are scarce.

Therefore, take the opportunity this course provides to help both you and your clients because…

  1. You will never view the world the same way again.

  2. You will open yourself to Indigenous cultures you never even knew existed.

  3. You will notice subtle manipulation tactics from those in power – tactics that you never noticed before despite all your therapist training.

  4. You will not be as easily fooled by colonial propaganda.

  5. You will understand your colleagues, clients, friends, and family better than you ever have before, leading to improved relationships with deeper trust.

  6. You will likely make changes to your self-care practices, the media you consume, and the entertainment you engage in.

  7. You will likely educate your children differently.

  8. You will go deeper into your personal healing journey, increasing your sense of identity and grounding.

  9. You might consider different decisions for your practice and business to be more in line with anti-imperialist values. This may translate to more abundance because improved integrity and business ethics attracts ethical and loyal clientele.

  10. You might have conversations with your family members that you never considered having before.

  11. You might be moved to research your own lineage and ask questions you never before thought to ask, connecting with blood ancestors you never knew existed.

  12. You might connect with nature differently.

  13. You might let go of toxic relationships that enforce imperialist narratives.

  14. You might develop the courage to speak up for yourself and others.

These improvements will require your own personal development and spiritual work.*

Are you ready to challenge your most deeply rooted beliefs to uncover the truth?


This course will inspire spiritual development and healing BUT this course itself is not a spiritual or healing space. It is an educational space. You must process your healing and spiritual development outside of our time together.

You and only you are responsible for your own healing and spiritual development.

What kind of future do you want to create?

A future where people ignore the truth of endless war in favor of quick fixes and surface “wellness”?

Or a future where people courageously work for peace, interrupting cycles of harm?

Indigenous and global south suffering has long been ignored and erased. It’s time to ask the question “why?” These identities are craving to be seen. Now more than ever, the therapist community needs this information on the generational violence of global imperialism.

This course is for therapists who understand that need and respond to it with healing curiosity and honest action.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a fully fledged therapist with a thriving practice to take this course. Students, interns, and those looking to join the therapist community are welcome. Be ahead of the curve when it comes to anti-imperialist and anti-racist education.

Picture yourself going into the spring of 2025…

  • Responding to your clients’ needs with deeper compassion and insight because you have worked on your own healing journey.

  • Feeling more at peace with your own self, because you’ve worked on facing more of you and your family’s story.

  • Understanding better how to avoid harming your clients.

  • Helping your clients go deeper…inspiring them to invest in their own healing.

  • Being able to reach a greater number of community members because your clients will recommend you as a safe space.

  • Knowing that the direction of your practice is correct — not just for now, but for the long haul.

  • Naturally expanding your services in alignment with your healing mission and personal values.

  • Going from short-term success to long-term sustainable healing.

If you want to foster genuine healing instead of a band-aid…

If you feel ready for an education that will challenge your own imperialist biases…

And if you can courageously face difficult truths…

Then you’ll understand the importance of the choice in front of you…

Are you ready to embrace this powerful opportunity?

Feedback from community members.

Community praise for Zarna Joshi’s Hindu Colonial Trauma course:

Inside the 9-week Imperialism course, you’ll gain:


Extensive knowledge on foundational tactics of Imperialism.


Indigenous perspectives spanning centuries of anti-imperialist resistance.


Emotional safeguards to put in place immediately for your clients and yourself.

You will learn how to:

  • Increase your capacity to confront your own family trauma.

  • Develop your own knowledge and skills of discernment

  • Use therapy techniques alongside anti-imperialist wisdom to propel your clients into a personalized healing journey.

  • Safeguard the integrity of your practice by avoiding common pitfalls.

  • Recognize what techniques to not use.

  • Be an example of true inclusion by dismantling imperialist ideologies that divide and conquer.

  • "You have the ability to transform someone's entire worldview in a matter of weeks."

    — Community member in Massachusettes

Imperialism course is unlike any DEI course or anti-oppression training you’ve tried before. Here’s why…

01. Most DEI trainings provide pieces of a western-centric and white-centric puzzle.

02. This Imperialism course provides a holistic worldwide context spanning millennia with evidence almost never revealed by western media or academia. This course is led by global south perspectives who are normally silenced in the global north.

03. No other training brings together such a holistic consolidation of information — not in the corporate DEI industry, not in the social justice movement, and not in Indigenous studies, social studies, history, or other academic departments.

04. Most DEI trainers talk about the importance of colonial history but they leave out history that is inconvenient for a western-centric narrative. In Imperialism course, we focus on exactly those histories the western-centric narrative ignores. We know that the most critical parts of history to know are what imperialist narratives erase and gaslight.

05. I — your facilitator Zarna Joshi — have personally committed to lifelong anti-imperialist healing. I’ve spent years studying histories to understand and expose the violence of imperialism. I’ve faced many fears and challenges to do that work, and I continue to face those fears and challenges to bring the truth to the public. My commitment to decolonial anti-imperialist values will help your own healing, providing the framework needed for you to help your clients. Together, we can uncover core truths that will lead to sustainable healing for all.

I was struck by the pervasive nature of CSA and cultural destruction and the pushing of it by the elite. I was also struck by the infiltration of the state into social movements such as Sirhan Sirhan in 1968 and the mind control surveillance tactics that the state uses to crush dissent.
— R in California
Dear Zarna, you have opened my eyes and taught me that there is more to history than the colonial explanations I have received in textbooks and the news. Your historical presentation that weaves from centuries ago to where we are now and the references provided has motivated me to read, research and probe deeper.
— S, elder in Seattle

Let's walk this path together

Let's walk this path together ⋆

Here are the details you need to get started:

In every weekly session, you will benefit from group discussion and live Q&A with myself, Zarna Joshi.

  • Trigger Warning

    Exposing the truth of US empire

    • How we still follow Roman laws without realizing it

    • An overview of imperialist tactics used on Indigenous populations and why

    • The connection between war and imperialism

    • The reasons imperialists go to war

    • Imperialist tactics beyond war that are still warfare

    • How to recognize imperialism

  • Trigger Warning

    What the tactics of imperialism means for the whole world

    • Major General Smedley Butler’s take

    • Rape culture is a symptom of imperialism

    • The impact on mental health

    • The connection between nature and Indigenous identity

    • What it means to be Indigenous

    • What you can do

    • How healing shows up in many ways

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll reveal painful and forgotten evidence.

    • Why nothing has changed since the days of Ancient Greece for children

    • How imperialists use moral relativism to cover up crimes

    • When imperialists decided they didn’t want CSA for their own children

    • How CSA spread worldwide and who spread it

    • Finding evidence in unexpected places

    • Learning who not to trust

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll expose current day traumas

    • How to recognize CSA in spite of gaslighting and propaganda

    • How CSA permeates modern science and popular culture

    • The CIA and security state’s connections to worldwide CSA

    • Hollywood and the entertainment industry – CSA in plain sight

    • How children are funneled into CSA in a never ending cycle

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll examine the long term consequences.

    • The most vulnerable children

    • How the cycle of abuse perpetuates

    • The phenomenon of false accusations

    • The long term ramifications are not confronting CSA

    • What we can do to protect children

    • What pitfalls to remember

    • How to be gentle with ourselves

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll examine why imperialists use Indigenous practices.

    • Why cultural “appreciation” doesn’t exist

    • How Indigenous cultures exchange ideas with each other

    • How imperialists loot ideas

    • The extent of the looting from colonized identities

    • What cultural appropriation has to do with religion

    • Why the solutions will never come from the perpetrators

    • How Indigenous people are forced to comply with cultural appropriation

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll look at the true danger of this system of oppression

    • The cost of historical and current cultural appropriation

    • Loss of identity and irrevocable harm to Indigeneity

    • How cultural appropriation is a form of psychological warfare

    • How this system of oppression perpetuates itself

    • The slaves you never knew existed

    • The western erasure of the largest Indigenous struggle on the planet

  • Trigger Warning

    We’ll study how everyone has become part of this system

    • How cultural appropriation is connected to nature

    • Why this issue is a foundational tactic of imperialism

    • Why understanding cultural appropriation presents opportunities for healing

    • How we can use this issue to retrace our ancestor’s steps

    • Why we need to understand our own ancestors

    • Why this healing is open to everyone, regardless of their religious or spiritual inclination

  • Trigger Warning

    Ask any questions left unsaid.

    • We’ll ensure that all questions from feedback forms and emails are answered

    • Follow up questions to initial answers

    • Anything else on your mind

    • Take advantage of this last session to address any last queries

These are upcoming dates for Imperialism course

Class each week is two hours long, running for 9 weeks.


6pm - 8pm PST

March 31 to May 26

(9 weeks)


12pm - 2pm PST

April 5 to May 31

(9 weeks)

Block the dates on your calendar for maximum benefit from live attendance.

If you can’t make a session, recordings of the weeks education will be available but you will miss out on valuable in-person group discussion and Q&A with me.

PLUS: Resources for further learning


After each week’s class, you will come away with a link to more resources on that topic. These resource include books, articles, videos, presentations, studies, documentaries, and more.


Every attendee of this course gains entry to our anti-imperialist support group. Group members exchange ideas and advice, vent about frustrations, and cheer on each others’ victories. The group meets monthly.


Gain access to snippet videos my Advanced Imperialism course AND gain an exclusive access to a bonus training. I did this one in partnership with a queer colleague, it’s called Queerness in our Ancestors Religions.

Total course investment: $10,000

(With payment options depending on income.)

Apply now to see if you qualify.

Can I Justify the Price and Time Investment in Imperialism course?

There is nothing being offered elsewhere — I repeat, nothing — that comes close to this course in terms of breadth, depth, and comprehensive healing.

There are certain educators who provide resources for free online but…it is the same imperialist narrative. It never actually gets to the roots of the problem and instead will brainwash you to support imperialism even more.

There are many brilliant minds, however, who do educate about specific topics related to imperialism. I will encourage you to learn from their expertise where appropriate.

Those specific topics, however, do not cover the full scope of imperialism. Even decolonial educators do not necessarily have an anti-imperialist perspective because they are experts in their local community, not in global decolonial anti-imperialist movements that transcend the imperialist political spectrum.

What my course does, however, is pull pieces of information from different empires through history and the anti-imperialist movements against those empires, connecting the dots so you can understand the patterns. This means you can start to understand how those different pieces lead to trauma. With that understanding, you can finally start to address the problem for yourself and your clients.

If you skip my course and go to educators individually, you might come out understanding those topics somewhat well but you won’t understand how that piece fits into all issues worldwide.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you do a class in the Kama Sutra to learn about the Indigenous Hindu understanding of sex. The class shows you Hindu sculptures, Hindu poetry, Hindu relationships, and different regional Hindu practices. You will come out of that class enlightened about Hindu philosophy regarding sexual interaction and how that connects to the Hindu understanding of nature and sexual relationships. You will not, however, understand that the Kama Sutra is about much more than sex. Nor will you understand how the Kama Sutra connects to gender relations, queer and trans identities, sex workers, enslavement, child abuse, racism, or the current western demonization of Hinduism as “conservative” and “patriarchal” and how that harms everyone.

If, however, you do my course first, you will be able to delve into any topic, including the Kama Sutra, to understand it more holistically. You’ll know how imperialism harmed and distorted the lessons of the Kama Sutra. You’ll understand the Indigenous nature of the Kama Sutra and what happened to the Indigenous people who wrote the Kama Sutra.

But what about price?

You could choose these free resources online. That’s assuming you know which classes to choose and how they will help your clients. Without understanding those details, you may bounce from class to class, looking for information and not really knowing what you’re looking for. That could end up costing you lots of time.

You might decide that you need academic credentials to feel properly educated on this issue.

An MA in Indigenous studies ranges from $21,446 per year to $56,562 per year for tuition at US academic institutions. That would total between $42,892 to $113,124 for your MA.

If you go that route, despite having an masters in Indigenous studies, you still wouldn’t learn a word about worldwide anti-imperialist movements. This is because western media, governments, academia, even Indigenous Studies departments, erase worldwide Indigenous experiences. Did you know that the UN incorrectly states that Indigenous peoples make up 5% of the world’s population? The 1.2 billion Hindu population is not included in that UN statistic. Similarly, there are many Indigenous populations that are not included. With an MA in Indigenous Studies, you would end up erasing your clients experiences with imperialist talking points designed to silence them.

How about an MA in History? Imperialism has occurred throughout history so surely that would educate on the topic?

An MA in History is a bit better with regards to cost, with tuition prices ranging from $26,477 per year to $51,194 per year at US academic institutions. That would total between $52,954 to $103,908 for your MA.

Unfortunately, your masters degree would be skewed in favor of western historical narratives while erasing Indigenous voices, even as they pretend to be Indigenous focused. You wouldn’t even know how you were being manipulated because you’re not educated in imperialist tactics so you wouldn’t know what pitfalls to look out for.

That means you’d end up with impressive academic credentials and even more ignorance about imperialist trauma.

What about an MA in Political Science? Tuition prices range from $4,804 per year to $30,206 per year at US academic institutions. That would total between $9,608 to $60,412 for your MA.

Political Science departments are run by literal imperialists who will recruit you for political operations. Need I say more?

Well, what about DEI trainings? Do DEI trainings address imperialism?

DEI trainings range from $500 - $30,000, depending on how tailored the training is to your needs. If you were to retain a DEI consultant it could cost between $2,000 - $20,000 a month. A highly customized single DEI training could range from $8,000 - $50,000.

Unfortunately, most DEI trainings cannot address imperialism because they are caught in a trap of imperialist narratives disguised as “inclusion”. The trainers themselves do not see how their trainings actually deepen western-centric narratives that erase global Indigenous voices.

Most DEI trainers are just as brainwashed in imperialist narratives as the media and academia.

The ugly truth is that many anti-imperialist Indigenous communities don’t feel represented in DEI trainings because of imperialist narratives that are openly spread in such spaces.

That means that a DEI training will lead to you being just educated enough to be highly dangerous to an Indigenous person’s mental health.

You might decide to fund your own research to understand what your clients’ needs are, and to put out the results in published journals and literature.

Quantitative research such as surveys cost between $25,000 to $80,000.

Qualitative research such as focus groups cost between $10,000 to $40,000.

The findings might be worth the cost, assuming that scientific methodologies are utilized that don’t skew the results in favor of imperialist narratives.

But there’s no guarantee of a rigorous scientific methodology in a world where the power structure demands results that match the imperialist narrative. If those conducting the research aren’t educated in imperialist tactics, they will fall into exactly the same traps.

Until now I’ve spoken about cost in terms of money.

But what about the time cost

Individual classes from individual experts might take several hours a week for several weeks or months, depending on the niche subject.

That means that multiple subjects could take you years to complete, while still not providing a holistic overview of Indigenous experiences.

Masters degrees take at least 2 years or longer, depending on what subject and if you’re studying full-time or part-time.

Quantitative research usually involves a large sample size to establish patterns, test hypotheses, and make predictions.

This can be done relatively quickly such as in a survey but that might limit response options and include response bias. For example, do the respondents feel safe to answer the question honestly? Is the survey worker visibly Indigenous? Where is the survey being conducted?

Quantitative research can also be done with experiments in a controlled lab. This takes longer than surveys and while it allows for high level of control over variables, it may create conditions that skew results. Certain ethnic identities might not feel safe in such an environment. Especially when there is a history of non-white peoples being tested upon by western “science”.

Observation is another way to do quantitative research, observing and recording behaviors as they naturally occur. This can be time consuming especially if behaviors are complex and infrequent, such as trauma responses from complex historical triggers.

This means you might go years without enough data to fully judge what your clients need to help them heal. It also smells distressingly of anthropology, which is well known to have a racist imperialist history.

Qualitative research is just as bad when it comes to the possibility of being exploitative. To be done well, each step is more time consuming than most people realize.

Participants and qualitative researchers need time to build rapport especially when discussing sensitive subjects. It’s important to understand that every subject regarding imperialism is sensitive.

Researchers then need time to transcribe and analyze the data. Rushing the process to cut down on time often leads to poor conclusions and ill-thought out analyses.

That means that much qualitative research conducted in 10 weeks or 2 months or 6 months or 1 year, depending on the topic and methodology, is actually rushed data that can’t be trusted. It was more about using the participants instead of learning how to help them.

And none of this information addresses the fundamental questions: What would your quantitative or qualitative research focus on? You haven’t studied the tactics of imperialism so you won’t even know what research to conduct. You’ll be stabbing in the dark forever.

Note that these price quotations and time costs are actual numbers given by popular education websites, academic websites, and well known DEI websites.

To recap:

  • Educators across the political spectrum: Free but it’ll take you years to figure out what everyone’s agendas are, if ever.

  • Indigenous Studies MA: $42,892 to $113,124 in 2-4 years.

  • History MA: $52,954 to $103,908 in 2-4 years.

  • Political Science MA: $9,608 to $60,412 in 2-4 years.

  • DEI: $20,000 - $50,000 in a few days to several weeks to several months. Price and time cost is even higher if you retain a consultant for months.

  • Quantitative research: $25,000 - $80,000 with time varying from several days to weeks to months to years.

  • Qualitative research: $10,000 - $40,000 with time never being enough and results being usually skewed as a result.

That could end up being a lot of money and / or precious time to not get what you need.

Your success in accessing the right information in reasonable time and for reasonable cost is important for everyone’s healing.

Healing from imperialism is essential for Indigenous rights and the worldwide decolonial movement.

Healing from imperialism is essential for racial justice.

Your own desire to be a therapist is wrapped up in healing and community:

  • You want to make a difference.

  • You want to help a community that is not being helped.

  • You want to thrive and you want your clients to thrive.

So it’s important that you get what you need when it comes to learning the tactics of imperialism.

That’s why I charge a flat fee of $10,000.

That fee includes:

  • 18 hours of live in-group sessions over 9 weeks.

  • Viewing my Imperialism documentary series

  • In group discussion and breakouts

  • Live group Q&A with me

  • A 1 hour private session with me during the 9 week course period

  • Access to bonus resources

  • Ability to reach out to me via email with questions and comments

  • Access to a monthly support group facilitated by me

If you’re still reading then you know something needs to change…

  • You want to address problems from their roots, creating more chances for deeper healing.

  • You want your clients to be able to trust you.

  • You are earnest about having compassion for your clients traumas.

  • You want to protect children from violence and traumatization.

  • You want to interrupt your own harmful patterns.

  • You want to learn about your own history so you can begin to heal yourself.

  • You want to live with integrity, values, and a global anti-imperialist perspective.

  • You’re ready to go beyond imperialist narratives towards genuine Indigenous truths.

  • You want to avoid exploiting Indigenous peoples.

  • You’re itching to know what you don’t know.

The time to act is NOW

The US has been fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine for years now.

The horror of the Israel - Palestine war continues to traumatize generations.

There are countless wars that no one in the US mainstream is even talking about — Somalia, Yemen, Balochistan and more — because it’s not in imperialist interests to highlight them in the media.

We have an incoming president speaking of US expansionism into Canada, Greenland, and Mexico.

Our “leaders” continue to make inflammatory moves towards greater conflict with Russia, China, and other countries.

The stock market soars and dives as imperialists bet on war…

We need to understand what is happening and how to be of service in creating healing and peace. Therapists are in a prime position to help their clients gain perspective.

So what happens if you delay learning…and continue on with standard therapy techniques and no deeper understanding?

  • You will neglect an opportunity to recognize the imperialist forces impacting your clients’ lives.

  • You will miss the opportunity to increase therapist-client trust.

  • You will miss out on potential revenue from an increasingly engaged client base.

  • You will miss an opportunity to lead in this field, where you could be ahead of the curve in anti-racist and decolonial therapy.

  • You will miss critical insights into how “solutions” like psychedelics are not actually a solution.

But there's one more critical risk:

If you don’t understand the imperialist issues we all face, you run the risk of walking into a possible WWIII with no real help for your clients or yourself.

This can happen at any time. Our leadership seems unpredictable but my course will help you see past impression to deeper awareness.

Therapists who are uninformed about imperialism may also, consciously or unconsciously, enforce imperialist narratives. You will be, essentially, a programmed weapon waiting to go off. Your veteran clients, your refugee clients, your immigrant clients — they’ll never know when you’ll project imperialist narratives at them that will trigger nightmares. The worst part is that you yourself will not understand what you have done to make your clients feel unsafe. It’s too dangerous for them to tell you.

This means your clients may not feel safe around you. They may stop coming to therapy if they ever bothered coming at all.

CDC data from 2021 stated that while non-Hispanic white people were most likely to receive mental health treatment at 24.4%, non-Hispanic Black people were next with 15.3%, Hispanic people were next with 12.6% and Asians were at the bottom with 7.7%. This means that there is a clear racial component in access to mental health support.

My personal opinion is that one reason for this disparity is the lack of awareness in most therapists of their own imperialist biases. Why would any client pay to be vulnerable with an unsafe therapist?

Non-Hispanic white adults (24.4%) were more likely than non-Hispanic black (15.3%), Hispanic (12.6%), and non-Hispanic Asian (7.7%) adults to have received any mental health treatment.
— cdc.gov

Notice how the CDC data didn’t mention Indigenous identities. While some Black, Hispanic and Asian people are Indigenous, not all of them are. These categories not do include all First Nations Indigenous identities, let alone worldwide Indigenous identities. This suggests that Indigenous access to mental health is even lower than the number for non-Hispanic Asians.

Meanwhile, the US Department of Veterans Affairs states that about 6% of the US population will have PTSD in their lives and that women are more likely than men to get PTSD. They also state that veterans are more likely to have PTSD than civilians. Considering that this is a direct imperialist source, it’s not surprising that just looking at this information might invoke a sense of confusion, because your experience might suggest that PTSD numbers might be higher and more nuanced.

The National Institute of Mental Health informs us that 8.3% of all US adults had at least one major depression episode. They also state that adult females are more likely than males to suffer a major depressive episode and even that mixed race individuals are more likely to suffer a major depressive episode.

Then when we look at suicide rates, they show that First Nations Indigenous peoples, white people, and men have the highest rates.

It’s all so intriguing, confusing, and misleading…

If women are more likely to be depressed, why are men more likely to commit suicide?

If veterans are more likely to have PTSD than civilians, why are Indigenous First Nations the most likely to commit suicide?

If white people are most likely to get mental health treatment, why are they also so likely — second only to Indigenous First Nations — to commit suicide?

We need to look deeper at why these rates appear as they do, and address the mental health crises of those who suffer from imperialism, including those whose ancestors created the cycle of violence. We must work on interrupting these patterns of harm.

It’s time to live with integrity and compassion, remembering that you can’t help your clients without healing yourself. Learning how to be accountable is a major part of healing.

About your facilitator:

Zarna Joshi

Indigenous community organizer

I’ve spent years teaching the community about racial justice but it wasn’t until I suffered racial and Hinduphobic attacks from social justice organizers that I realized how much imperialism was deeply embedded in my own friends.

When I spoke up to protest their treatment, I was gaslit, demonized, and told I was the problem. The experience was so traumatic I ended up with PTSD and was in therapy for 2 years.

My therapist was compassionate but had no idea how to help me because they didn’t understand imperialism outside of a western-centric lens. I had to spend most of my time educating them about the violence my people had suffered from imperialists instead of being helped.

Then the grant I was using to access mental health help ran out. I was left without support after all the effort I’d put into educating my therapist.

I tried to find a Hindu therapist as a replacement. At the time (2021), I could find only 2 therapists in Washington state who identified as “Hindu therapists”. I called one and asked if she knew about Hinduphobia. She’d never even heard of the word, even though that word that has been documented in global north media since the late 1800s.

I put the phone down and never called her again. I was too disheartened to try calling the other therapist.

Meanwhile, I worked on developing my Imperialism course as well as my Hindu Colonial Trauma course and launched it to them both to the public. People from different religions, ages, and class backgrounds all attended my classes and were stunned to see the evidence I presented.

Multiple community members told me that my Imperialism course helped them step away from self-destructive and toxic habits.

Others told me my course helped them process childhood traumas and SA.

Others told me it helped them finally understand their parents.

Others told me that my course helped them feel seen in their mental health struggles.

The more I saw how my course transformed community members, the more I realized therapists needed this course to be of more help to their clients. Healing must come from truth and therapy is one way to begin a journey that leads to personal truths.

I want to help everyone find this healing path within themselves. It will look different for everyone because everyone’s journey is different. By helping therapists understand imperialism, I wish to create decolonial and anti-racist resources so that the wider community can get the mental health support them need.

I’ve dedicated my life to working for the healing of my community and the healing of Mother Earth. This course is one such offering for that continued healing. Thank you for being here, I welcome you.

More feedback from community members:

Imperialism course is for you if…

  • You want to help your community

  • You are Indigenous

  • You are not Indigenous

  • You are a descendant of imperialists

  • You want to be an ally

  • You believe in racial justice

  • You believe in decolonization

  • You’re an anti-imperialist

  • You’re questioning popular narratives

  • You’re wondering if you’ve been unintentionally causing harm to your clients

Imperialism course is not for you if…

  • You’re not ready to be accountable for your own imperialism

  • You’re not interested in learning about colonial trauma

  • You only want to make a living instead of genuinely helping your clients

  • You’re not ready for difficult truths

  • You’ve never worked on your fragility

  • You’re defensive about religion and religious identities

  • You’re in denial about being propagandized by imperialism

  • You’re treating veterans but don’t see any problem with them going to war in the first place

  • You’re highly attached to a political identity from the left / right spectrum

  • You’re held back by your own toxic habits or mental health struggles

Refund Policy and Disclosures

  • No refunds or guaranteed outcomes are provided for Imperialism course.

  • My commitment to you is to show up at the scheduled times and deliver the education and insights that will inform your journey to help your clients.

  • It is your responsibility to decide whether Imperialism course is the right fit for you. You must show up, listen, and watch, ask earnest questions, engage in discussion, and make the best effort you can to absorb the information.

  • No one can decide your actions but you.

  • This course is for educational purposes only and does not provide clinical training or certification in trauma therapy. It explores historical and cultural perspectives on imperialism to inform therapeutic practice but is not a substitute for medical, psychological, or legal advice. Participants are responsible for ensuring their application of the material aligns with their professional licensure, ethical guidelines, and scope of practice.

  • The course does not endorse specific therapeutic approaches, and interpretations of trauma may vary. The Educator and course provider are not liable for how participants apply the content in their professional work. Participants should approach the material with cultural humility and exercise professional judgment when integrating course concepts into practice.


  • Imperialism is the ruling control or domination of foreign land, resources, and people through military might, financial might, and / or cultural influence and diplomacy.

  • Colonialism is a type of imperialism. It involves the formation of imperialist occupied colonies on foreign land to take possession of the land while forcing the native people to give the land up. An example is the US “giving away” fertile land to white settlers in order to take over the territory while forcing the Indigenous peoples onto smaller and smaller reservations that lacked resources.

    Imperialism is a broader term and can include colonialism but doesn’t have to. For example, the US might wage war against another country for oil but not create colonies of Americans living in that country – that is imperialism but not colonialism. If the US were to wrest ownership of Greenland from Denmark and send Americans over there to live and occupy the land, that would be colonialism.

  • We will never understand our current circumstances if we think they exist in a vacuum. Everything that exists today has been built by what has come before. The systems in place were created by imperialists, therefore we have to study those imperialists and their tactics in order to understand how to resist current systems of oppression. Ancient history isn’t so ancient. It is right here and now.

  • Assuming that you know what you’re talking about when you’ve been raised by an imperialist system, educated by an imperialist system, and propagandized by an imperialist system is the height of imperialist privilege. This is true even if you hold marginalized identities in the global north because you still have the privilege to not know. You don’t need to know because you’re not suffering from this issue in the global south.

    The truth is that you are suffering from this issue, you just don’t know how, and your global north privilege has prevented you from having the curiosity to find out.

    Even if you’re been trained by racial justice trainers in the grassroots, guess what? They’ve also been raised by an imperialist system, educated by an imperialist system, and propagandized by an imperialist system. Their marginalized identities don’t prevent their perception from being skewed just like yours is. That creates an imperialist echo chamber that reinforces imperialist narratives under the guise of “racial justice”. That “racial justice” might be fine when looked at from a western-centric lens, but it is insufficient and incomplete when looked at from a global lens.

    In order to understand racial justice from a global perspective, you have to listen to decolonial Indigenous voices in the global south. I am an Indigenous brown woman whose family is from India. I’ve learned from my elders and other global south Indigenous voices my whole life. I’ve traveled through the world and researched many patterns of imperialism. I’ve experienced the struggles of the global south and learned the tactics those Indigenous communities use to resist imperialism. That Indigenous wisdom is far beyond what you will find in a western-centric racial justice training.

    You don’t know what you don’t know. Be brave and find out. You will be surprised at how ignorant your “well-informed and educated” mind actually is. You will be shocked at how uncritical your thinking actually is. That is what global north and western privilege looks like. That is what bigotry looks like. Don’t you want to know how you are perpetuating imperialism?

    I advise you to find out.

    1. In just weeks, your entire worldview will change. You will never view the world in the same way again.

    2. You will know how to notice subtle manipulation tactics from those in power – tactics that you never noticed before.

    3. If you own a business, you will consider different decisions for your business to be more in line with your anti-imperialist values. That may translate to more abundance because the ethics of your business will attract ethical clientele.

    4. You will consider different options for your family’s stability and safety because you will now recognize vulnerabilities and strengths you never saw before.

    5. You will consider making changes to your self-care practices.

    6. You will consider educating your children differently.

    7. You will open yourself to a whole community of genuine decolonial thinkers and anti-imperialists.

    8. You will go deeper into your healing journey, which will look different to everyone else because it will be personal to you from your own choices.

    9. You might have conversations with your family members and elders that you never considered having before.

    10. You will be moved to research your own lineage with a sense of urgency.

    11. You might connect with ancestors you never knew existed. 

    12. You might teach your children values you never considered before but that will now help heal your family for generations to come. This is true even if you do not identify as Hindu.

    13. You might learn to let go of toxic relationships that force you to accept imperialism in your life.

    14. You might find purpose beyond imperialist political ideologies.

    15. You might find identity beyond the imperialist political spectrum.

    16. You might connect with nature differently.

    17. You will be ahead of the curve in free thinking with most lagging behind. As such you will be noticed and respected as a deep thinker.

  • That narrative has been taught to you by imperialists to excuse their own violence. It is not actually true. I will prove it to you over the course of this education.

    Be brave and step into this space to understand how wrong that narrative is.

  • If you go to Washington DC, you will see Greco-Roman architecture everywhere. That is no accident. The imperialists who colonized North America and created its governments were well aware of the centuries long success of Greco-Roman imperialists and they consciously emulated them. The whole world is affected by this emulation everyday without even realizing it. In this course, we will go into detail on the many ways US imperialists emulated the ancient Roman empire and how that still affects every aspect of our lives today.

  • Imperialism predates communism by well over 1800 years. That means that there have been people fighting imperialism for a lot longer than people who believe in communist or Marxist ideology. So no, anti-imperialist does not mean “communist”, although communists may call themselves anti-imperialists.

  • Why are there trigger warnings around this course?

    The term “trigger” is psychological terminology. It means when something is said, or happens, that activates a memory of a previous trauma. Activating such traumatic memories within an individual can cause that person to re-experience the feelings they experienced during those real life traumas. It can be very painful and distressing.

    Colonial trauma is not an easy subject to discuss. We will delve into many painful histories and those stories may trigger memories and emotions within each of us due to our own experiences. This can happen even in people who are not Hindu.

    If we are warned beforehand that this might happen, it helps us navigate such feelings individually should they arise. It also helps us be better able to support each other if triggers occur in others. It can also help us to set up support systems beforehand, such as friends or therapists we can process with outside of class, or we might attend class with a colleague or family member who can be our support buddies during the process.

    The presence of trigger warnings indicates the power of this education. This is not about gratuitously shocking or upsetting people, this is about addressing long unaddressed traumas that need to be brought into the light so they can be healed.

    Hurt people can hurt people. Healed people can help others heal.

    There is no solution to any of our triggers as a society without healing, which is the whole point of doing this course. We must understand what has happened so that we can heal from it.

    That is why there are trigger warnings: So that we can engage with difficult healing education in the safest and most supportive way possible.

  • The common discourse on this topic is that the world is full of child sex abusers so we must simply lock up random predators. It’s a losing strategy because it doesn’t address the fact that so many predators never get caught. Nor does it stop the cycle of CSA from continuing.

    Meanwhile, when we trace child sex abuse through history, it becomes clear that CSA is a tactic of imperialism and as such, needs to be fought in many ways beyond locking up random perpetrators.

    We have to study the roots of this problem because that is the only way to create lasting solutions that will defend children now and in the future. It is also a way for us to address our own traumas and interrupt cycles which leads to deeper societal healing. Such healing is the solution because it prevents the repetition of cycles and cultural norms.

  • This topic is usually misunderstood. Even most social justice advocates only speak of it in a surface way that doesn’t explain the actual depths of violence.

    There’s nothing worse than a victim being grievously harmed and not even realizing where the harm is coming from. It’s even worse when the victim participates in harming their own people, because they have been brainwashed to not understand the violence.

    This grievous harm of cultural appropriation has gone unaddressed for too long and that is why time must be dedicated to understanding it and dismantling it at the root.

    You need this education and you will not find it anywhere else.

  • I encourage ages 14+ only.

    From age 14 and onwards, this course will benefit all. Teenagers, students, workers, parents, elders, all are welcome.