Episode 6 Resources:

1,000+ Years and Counting




Agricultural Testament by Sir Albert Howard (book) (organic farming appropriated from Indians)

Amazon Awa tribe endangered

Amazon burning

Amazon cattle ranchers

Amazon deforestation

Amazon tribes women

Amazon rainforest near tipping point

Animal rights activist murdered by cow smugglers (video long)

Atharva Veda prayers to Mother Earth (video long)

Baba cleaned 100 miles of river

Beef dumped on cricket pitch in racist Hinduphobic attack (video short)

British origin of cow slaughter in India (video long)

Constitution on cow slaughter in India

Conversion and cow meat eating are always linked

Cow crime victims

Cow slaughter and Hindu slaughter are always connected

Cow “Lynchings” media distortions

Crocodile living in Kerala temple for 70 years

Crop stubble burning destroying air quality (video)

Desertification of Punjab and farm reforms

Elephants are sacred to Hindus

Essential Commodities Act (farm reforms)

Farm reforms

Farm reforms and environment

Farm reforms and small farmers (video)

Farm reforms and Rihanna

Farm reforms explained (video short)

Farm reforms good for farmers (video short)

Farm reforms protest leader is a multi-millionaire

Farm reforms protesters exposed (video)

Farm reforms won’t create hunger

Farm reforms would have stopped the crop stubble burning in Punjab (video short)

Farmer protests 2024 (video short)

Farmer suicides and farm laws

Farmers association supports farm reforms

Farmers in Punjab are richest farmers in India

Farmers keeping slaves in Punjab

Green vs Pink revolution on food in India

Greta Thunberg gets open letter on farm reforms

Halal certification enforces Islamic supremacy (video short)

Hasan Minhaj’s false reporting on cow violence (video long)

Hasan Minhaj exposed as a liar (video short)

Hindu priests killed in temple arson over cow violence

Hindu priests killed and tongues cut out

Hindu vegetarianism to stop mass extinction

Hindus massacred protecting cows

Hindus on the frontlines of climate change

Hindus who defend rivers

Hindus are original tree huggers

Hindu women saving trees today

Hindu values in Chipko movement

Hindu history in Chipko movement

Hindu massacre by government for protecting cows

How Brazillian workers suffer slave labor conditions in animal agriculture

India’s journey to renewables 2022

IndiaSpend pulls down its hate tracker due to its bias against Hindus 2024

Indian water conservation and protection in step wells

Indian cows in Brazil

Indian crossbreeds in Brazil

India leading in green energy

International solar alliance led by India

Islamic Hanafi sect on beastiality

“Lynchistan” propaganda and cow slaughter profits

Media false reporting on actual cow violence data (video long)

Nelore cattle in Brazil originally from India

Organized gangs and cow smuggling

Rat temple Karna Mata

Rats didn’t cause the Great Plague (correcting historical explanation)

Red meat and climate change

Sacred groves (video long)

Sacred rivers given personhood status

Sacred Waters of Varanasi: The Colonial Draining and Heritage Ecology (Mahesh Gogate) (book)

Sage Baba Nagnath Yogeshwar dies while fasting to save Ganga

Sages demand government action on protecting sacred rivers

Saudi Arabia extracting water out of drought-stricken Arizona to feed cows (video)

Science of Vedic organic farming (video long)

Swami Gyan Swaroop Sanand dies while fasting to save Mother Ganga

Swami Nigamananda dies while fasting to save Mother Ganga

Tree planting

Vedic organic farming (video short)






1 year since abrogation of article 370

2 years since abrogation of article 370 (video)

7 exoduses of Kashmiri Hindus

1990 - Brutal killing of Girija Tikkoo

2024 Muslims denying that Kashmiri Hindus ever existed

2024 What happened when a Kashmiri Hindu family dared to go back to Kashmir to live (video short)

Aarti Tikoo Singh’s speech at US Congressional hearing

Article 370 facts explained by constitutional lawyer (video short)

“Charities” who are really allied with extremist groups Pakistan

CIA spying on Kashmir?

CIA scientist and fake Kashmiri “princess”

How hijab was imposed in Kashmir

How Kashmir became Muslim majority

July 2022 US Congressional briefing on Kashmir (video playlist of speakers)

Kashmir is a US operation

Kashmiri account of the ethnic cleansing

Kashmiri Hindus “insignificant”

Kashmiri Muslims celebrated 1990 genocide of Kashmiri Pandits

Kashmiri Pandit documentary (video long)

Kashmiri Pandit survivor talks about her childhood during 1990

Kashmiri trauma

Kashmiri Sikhs

Kashmiri Sufis suffering from Islamic extremism in Kashmir

Lies of Kashmiri Muslims performing last rites for Kashmiri Pandits

Muslim Imam challenging Islamic Supremacist rhetoric on Kashmir

Opium paying for guns in Kashmir

POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) activist celebrates abrogation of article 370

Rape and silence in Kashmir’s Jihad

Sikh girls forcibly converted to Islam in Jammu and Kashmir

Stand with Kashmir groups funded by terror groups

Sufi Islamic supremacy in Kashmir

The Great Game - Anglo-American operation

Unhealed wounds of genocide