Episode 4 Resources:
Psychological Warfare
Aryan Invasion that never was by Michael Danino (book)
Aryan Invasion: Myth or Fact by Shiv Sastry (book)
Beautiful Tree - Indigenous Indian Education in 18th Century by Dharampal 1983 (pdf of book)
Burning Women: Widows, Witches, and Earth Modern European Travelers in India by Pompa Banerjee (book)
Cholera and Crisis: State Health and the Geographies of Future Epidemics by Paul Stephen Brierley Jackson (book)
Churchill’s Secret War by Madhusree Mukerjee (book)
Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth Century India by David Arnold (book)
Disaster and Human History: Case Studies in Nature, Society and Catastrophe by Benjamin Reilly (book)
Mahabharata 3136 BCE by Dr. Jayasree Saranatha (book)
Polytheism and Indology by Edward P. Butler (book)
Punjab in Peace and War by S.S. Thorburn (book)
Refutation of the Aryan Race Conjecture by C.K. Raju (book)
Secret Affairs: Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam by Mark Curtis (book)
The History of British India by James Mill 1817 (book), a compulsory text used to train British officers and indoctrinate them into Hinduphobia
The Indian Army and the Making of Punjab by Rajit Mazumder (book)
The Nay Science: A History of German Indology by Professor Vishwa Adluri (book)
British and French East India Companies offer military assistance to rival dynasties
British economic impact on India
British supplied munitions to Adhilshah to defeat Shivaji
Communal Violence in the British Empire by Mark Doyle, page 191 on how Queen Victoria favored Muslims as “the real supporters of the British rule” while Brahmins “incite the people against us”. (book)
Moghuls gave East India Company proprietary rights to trade in India
Moghuls gave East India Company a monopoly on trade
Moghuls granted British right to collect taxes in India
Moghuls made British virtual naval auxiliaries of their empire
73,000 years or more of modern human habitation in India
4,000-year-old Indian Cattle travelled west from India
Adamites and Pre-Adamites racial theory
AIT pushers recognizing that Vedas give the geography of India
AIT used to undermine Indigenous peoples in other parts of the world
California school textbooks violate rights of Hindu youth
California schools teaching Aryan race theory
Distortions of Vedas to support AIT (video)
Dravidian is a British construct
Durga demonized as an “Aryan” invader
Genetic evidence of early human migration in the Indian ocean region
Hamite Race Myth - Africa’s version of Aryan Race Myth (video short)
Historians ignored evidence to pretend Saraswati river was a myth
Horses are Indigenous to Indian subcontinent
Indus script deciphered: Base language is Sanskrit (video long)
Misappropriation of Sanskrit by Europeans to form Aryan race myth
Most South Asians are descendants of Harrappans
North / South divide based on Aryan debate and caste
Post Harappan sites after Saraswati river weakened/dried up
Prof. Lavanya Vemsani debunks the Aryan race theory (video long)
Rebuttal to Tony Joseph on AIT
Refutation of the Aryan Race Conjecture by C.K. Raju (book preview)
Story of Ancient India: From Deep South to North (video long)
Survey of Hinduism debunks AIT
Tamil-Sanskrit divide (video long)
The Nay Science: A History of German Indology by Professor Vishwa Adluri (book)
What Indus Valley people looked like
Wikipedia: Alexander Winchell
Wikipedia: Pre-Adamites
Critique of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste by Panashe Chigumadzi
Critique of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste by Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly
Critique of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste by Sai Grundy
Critique of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste by Aravindan Neelakandan
Critique of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste by Archishman Raju
Britain stole $45 trillion from India
Britain must pay restitution to India
British army recruitment in Punjab
British policies led to pandemics and famine
British war crime against Indians
Caribbean Girmityas - indentured servitude
Churchill and FDR worked together to keep starving Bengalis
Colonial roots of Sadhu lynching
Diabetes in Indians caused by British induced famines (video short)
George Orwell was born in India, son of a British colonial
How the British unmade India (video long)
Indian farmers resisted British system of land taxation
Indian Naval revolt led to Independence
Indian soldiers in WWI (video long)
Kohinoor diamond actually belongs to Hindu goddess Bhadra Kali Mata
Neocolonialism (video short)
Pandemics and Historical Mortality in India
Sexual slavery of Indian girls and women by British
Study: Extreme poverty and male height since 16th century
The Third Plague Pandemic and British India: A Transformation of Science, Policy, and Indian Society
Wikipedia: Timeline of major famines
10 things you should know about Hinduism
Amnesty International propaganda
Anti-Hindu rhetoric in colleges and academia
Audrey Truschkey admits erasing centuries of Hindu history (video short)
British invented history to cover up their own violence
California schools teaching Aryan race theory
California school textbooks controversy violate rights of Hindu youth
Chariots at least 4,000 years old in India
Congress Party tried to frame Hindus for Islamist attack in Mumbai
Coverage of Covid-19 crisis in India
Distortions of Vedas to support AIT (video)
Durga demonized as an “Aryan” invader
Hindu history portrayed as myth
Hindus accused of violating labor laws with casteist frame
Hindus blamed for Jan 6th 2021 riots
Hindu Temples write a letter to Rutgers about Audrey Truschke
Hinduphobic reporting during 2020 election
Hindutva trope attacks by academics
Ilhan Omar and US Congress gaslight Hindus
Lies of Kashmiri Muslims performing last rites for Kashmiri Pandits
Marxist propaganda on temple destruction
Odisha Covid-19 ground reality
Muslims told to violate Covid-19 lockdown (video)
Privileges given to Muslim youth
RSS members include non-Hindus
Whiteness: US laws says Arabs are white, Hindus are not white (video short)
Bollywood Hinduphobia acknowledged by Judge
Bollywood propagates Hinduphobia (video short)
Bollywood spreads anti-Hindu propaganda
Chicago Tribune and Pope’s Crusade in India
Gaslighting by anti-Hindu journalists
Hinduphobic attacks wrongly labelled Islamophobic hate crimes
Hinduphobia: A media studies perspective (video long)
Guardian glorifying the looting of Hindu sacred art
Guardian erasing history of Hindu women as rape camp targets
Hedge fund reveals why west is so scared of India and Hindus
Hollywood spreading Hinduphobic propaganda
Independent journalists vs establishment journalists
Indian Leftist Media is run by political elitists
Israeli paper demonizing Hindus in favor of Christian propaganda
Left wing outlet advocating that Hindus convert to Islam to “give up their privilege”
Muslim occultists reported as Hindus
New York Times lies about Hindus and labor violations with casteist accusations
NPR’s Furhan Khan says Hindus must give up Hinduism
The Independent demonizing Indian vegetarianism
The Intercept’s Hinduphobic reporting
The Intercept’s Hinduphobic reporting on Tulsi Gabbard supporters