Episode 2 Resources:
Colonizers enter India
Knowing Our Past - Decolonizing reading list of resources compiled by Dr. Indu Viswanathan
Many quotations of Muslim scholars shared in this episode come from this primary literary evidence
Largest crime against Humanity (video short)
Post-Hindu world (video long)
Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery by M. A. Khan (book)
Saffron Swords: Centuries of Indic Resistance to Invaders by Manoshi Sinha Rawal (book)
Ghazwa-e-Hind and terror groups
Ghazwa-e-Hind explained by Muslim scholars
Ghazwa-e-Hind explained by Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhid (video long)
Ghazwa-e-Hind explained by Subuhi Khan (video short)
Ghazwa-e-Hind explained by Tarek Fatah (video short)
Ghazwa-e-Hindu promoted by Pakistani media personality
Wikipedia: Ghazwa-e-Hindu
Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1556–1707 by Irfan Habib 2000, page 38 (book)
Islamic Loot: How the Moghuls drained wealth out of India by Rakesh Krishnan Simha
Historical Fallacies by Rukhsana Iftikhar
Hindu Beyond Hindu Kush: Indians in the Central Asian Slave Trade by Scott C. Levi 2002
Richest religions in the world (2013)
Richest religions in the world (2020)
Travels in the Mogul Empire by Francois Bernier 1670 (book)
The British Empire and the Hajj by John Slight 2015 (book)
The Moghul Economy and Society, Chapter 2, Class Structure and Economic Growth: India & Pakistan since the Moghuls by Angus Maddison 1971 (book)
9 million books burned by Bakhtiyar Khilji
Desecration of Somnatha and sacking of Gujarat
Destruction of Hindu and Buddhist universities
Destruction of Indian industry
Educational sacred spaces converted to Mosques (video short)
Flight of Deities and Rebirth of Temples by Meenakshi Jain (book)
Hindu temples converted to Mosques (video long)
Hindu temples destroyed and mosques built over them
Hindu Temples: What happened to Them by Sita Ram Goel (Volume I and II) (book)
Khwãjah Masûd in praise of Sultãn Abul Muzaffar Ibrãhîm CE 1050-1099
The History of India as told by its own Historians by Elliot, Henry Miers, edited by Dowson, John 1867
Wikipedia: Guru Tegh Bahadur
Wikipedia: Dabestān-e Mazāheb by Mohsin Fani (book)
Atrocitology: Humanity's 100 Deadliest Achievements by Matthew White 2011, Timur section (book)
Book Review: Afghan Hindus and Sikhs by Inderjeet Singh
Enslavement of African Black people
Failed first invasions into India
Ghazwa-e-Hind (video long)
Hindu Kush (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Hindu Kush: Persian definition of “Kush” as killer
Hindu scripture mentions of Hindu Kush region
How Islam spread explained by Muslim missionary (video short)
Ibn Buttata was a Muslim traveler
Islamic colonialism in India (video short)
Islamic “Golden Age” is a lie (video playlist)
Islamic invasion of Europe (video)
Kalima is conversion lines in Quran
Kitab-i-Yamini by Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad al Jabbaru-l 'Utbi (book)
Mahmud Ghazni’s invasion of Mathura
Marriage and acceptable age for marriage in Ancient India
Medieval India by Meenakshi Jain (book)
Muslim aristocracy in Medieval India
Somnatha: The Shrine Eternal by K. M. Munshi (book)
South India and her Muhammadan Invaders by Krishnaswami Aiyangar (book)
The India They Saw by Sandhya Jain (book)
Tamerlane: Sword of Islam by Justin Morazzi (book)
Timur killed an estimated 17 million people
Translating the “Other”: Early Modern Muslim Understandings of Hinduism pages 435-460
Wikipedia: Hindu Kush
Wikipedia: Jizya, the punishment for not converting to Islam
African Muslims colonizing Hindus in India
Akbhar’s slaughter of Hindus at Chittor
Gyanvapi Mosque is actually ancient Hindu temple: ASI report
Maratha war that weakened Moghuls
Moghul empire’s fall and revival of Hindus
Moghul violence against Hindus
Moghuls drained wealth from India
Nizam regime led to genocide of Hindus
Rajput and Sepoy: The Ethnohistory of the Military Labour Market of Hindustan 1450-1850 by Dirk Kolff Naukar, University of Cambridge Oriental Publications (book)
Tipu Sultan atrocities against Hindus
Tipu Sultan invited Afghans to defeat Hindu Marathas, as well as Turks and French
Tughlaq were from Turkey, committed genocides in India
Under Fatehpur Sikri is a Jain city
Untold history of Razakars (video long)
Waiting for Shiva: Unearthing the Truth of Kashi’s Gyan Vapi by Vikram Sampath (book)
1964 archival footage of Black enslavement by Islamic supremacy (video short)
2017 Abused Ethiopian maid dangling from upper story window (video short)
African and Abyssinian enslaved people in India
African enslaved people in India
African reverend who returned to Indigenous African religious roots
Africans in India past and present
Anti-Blackness in Islamic culture
Arab slave trade (video short)
Arabs are white under the law in the USA
Enslavement of African Black people
Ethiopian slave trade under Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Female slaves in Delhi Sultanate
Fetish for light-skinned Kashmiri women
Hindu women and girls being enslaved and raped is justified in the Koran
Hindus calling in Hindus for anti-Blackness
How colorism came to India (video long)
Islam on Black people (video short)
Islam’s Black Slaves: The History of Africa’s Other Black Diaspora by Ronald Segal (book)
Islam’s Black Slaves - Ronald Segal interview
Islamic slave trade (video long)
Jean Baptiste Tavernier Travels in India
Military slaves in Moghul India
Multiple Identities of the Middle East by Bernard Lewis (book)
Ottoman pirates (video long)
Prophet Muhammad promised his soldiers white virgin sex slaves in heaven (video short)
Prophet Muhammad was a slave master who owned Black slaves (video short)
Prophet Muhammad was a white man
Qatar’s Hindu and Buddhist Nepalese slaves
Race and slavery in early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Sexual assault of white girls en masse in Cologne (video short)
Sexual assault of white girls en masse in Sweden (video short)
Slave Acquisition in the Moghul Empire
The Ottoman Scramble for Africa by Mostafa Minawi (book)
West African spiritual traditions oppressed by Abrahamic imperialism and slavery
Wikipedia: History of slavery in the Muslim world
Wikipedia: Idea of “Slavery” in Ancient India depends upon on a deliberate mistranslation of the word “Das” which actually means servant
Wikipedia: Maafa: African Holocaust]
Europe: Are Muslim Immigrants destroying Europe? (video long)
Ex-Islamic supremacist admits to infiltrating the Left (video short)
India: Ladeeda Sakhaloon at Jamia
Iran: How the Islamic supremacist revolution of 1979 was aided by leftists (video short)
UK: Islamic supremacists are converting prison populations
UK: British teachers self-censoring over fears of “offending” Muslim students
USA: ISIS recruits are objects of sympathy for Hollywood
USA: Muslim dominated City Council bans LGBTQ+ flag (2023) (video short)
Canada: 11 teachers suspended in Montreal for imposing Islam and toxic environment on children
Converting Indigenous Africans even today (2024) (video short)
Convicted terrorists ask Judge to embrace Islam
Financing Islamic supremacy around the world (video long)
French schools (2023)
Greek City Times is only western media to accurately report on Ram Temple
Grooming gangs debated by Muslim men (video short)
Grooming gangs still continuing to rape white girls (video short)
Indian Muslims dress up as Turkish invaders to celebrate a Muslim festival (video short)
Islamic supremacists are converting prison populations in USA (video long)
Kalash Hindus in Pakistan surrounded by enemies
Muslim man killed two men (one beheaded), injured a third, because they were gay
Muslim woman activist wants to revive sex-slavery
Necrophilia in modern Islamic majority countries Morocco and Egypt
Necrophilia, beastiality, incest, pedophilia (video short)
Reformist Muslim speaks out (video short)
Sharia law still followed in India
UK: Muslim teacher convicted of radicalizing over 100 children to make an “army of children”
Alberuni’s India: An account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws, and astrology of India about A.D. 1030 by Sachau, Edward C. 2013 (book)
Arab records on what they learned from Hindus
Beautiful Tree - Indigenous Indian Education in 18th Century by Dharampal 1983 (pdf of book)
Carl Sagan and Hindu Cosmology (video long)
Decolonizing science (video long)
Encyclopaedia of Islamic Science and Scientists: A-H by Kirmani, M. Zaki; Singh, Nagendra Kr 2005 (book)
Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non western countries by Helaine Selin 2008 (book)
History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 4 Part 2 by C. E. Bosworth, M.S.Asimov 2009 (book)
India, the ancient past: a history of the Indian sub-continent from c. 7000 BC to AD 1200 by Burjor Avari 2007 (book)
Islamic “Golden Age” is an appropriation of Hindu achievements (video playlist)
Wikipedia: Indian influence on Islamic world
The Origins of the Infinitesimal Calculus by Margaret E. Baron 2014 (book)
India’s Road to Nationhood: A Political History of the Subcontinent by Wilhelm von Pochhammer 1981 (book)