Episode 1 Resources:

Hindus before Colonization



Caste and Race in India by G. S. Ghurye 1969 - page 63 on powerful and rich Shudras (book)

Donors, devotees, and daughters of God temple women in medieval Tamilnadu by Leslie Orr 2000 - pages 30-31 on how Varna system was not ground reality (book)

Historiography and Writing Postcolonial India by Naheem Jabbar 2009 - pages 148-149 on how Shudras could become kings and ministers (book)

Jewels of Authority by Laurie Patton 2002 - page 90 on how Shudras were educated in the Vedas and other knowledge (book)

Light-skin gene comes from India and Middle East

Light-skin gene origins

Precolonial India in Practice by Cynthia Talbot 2001 - pages 50-51 on how Varna system was not ground reality (book)

Śūdras in Ancient India: A Social History of the Lower Order Down to Circa A.D. 600 - by Ram Sharan Sharma 1990 pages 10, 24-25, 44-45, 50-51, 163 (book)