Episode 1 Resources:
Hindus before Colonization
2,000 BCE site in Odisha showing continuous habitation for 2,000 years
4,000-year-old chariots in Uttar Pradesh
4,000-year-old Chariots in Uttar Pradesh (video short)
48,000-year-old Archery in Sri Lanka
130,000 Indian monsoon led to global warming
Ancient India’s influence on East Asian religion and spirituality by Kian Xie (video long)
Ancient relationship between China and India
Archeologist Anica Mann talks ancient history and India’s influence on Asia (video long)
Fundamental Unity of India by Prof Radhakumud Mookerji (book)
Geography of Indian subcontinent
Genetic, archeological, and paleoenvironmental data
Once upon a time thousands of years ago by Yamuna Harshavardhana (book)
Story of Ancient India - From Deep South to North (video long)
Sugar (video long)
The Lost River: On The Trails of Saraswati by Michel Danino (book)
The Nay Science: A History of German Indology by Professor Vishwa Adluri (book)
The Oxford History of India by Vincent A. Smith (book)
An Agricultural Testament by Albert Howard (book)
An Agricultural Testament: Introduction by Albert Howard (book)
Organic farming (video short)
History of Art, Yoga, Sikhism and Hinduism (video long)
Prehistoric Rock Art of India by Erwin Neumeyer (book)
Caste and Race in India by G. S. Ghurye 1969 - page 63 on powerful and rich Shudras (book)
Donors, devotees, and daughters of God temple women in medieval Tamilnadu by Leslie Orr 2000 - pages 30-31 on how Varna system was not ground reality (book)
Historiography and Writing Postcolonial India by Naheem Jabbar 2009 - pages 148-149 on how Shudras could become kings and ministers (book)
Jewels of Authority by Laurie Patton 2002 - page 90 on how Shudras were educated in the Vedas and other knowledge (book)
Light-skin gene comes from India and Middle East
Precolonial India in Practice by Cynthia Talbot 2001 - pages 50-51 on how Varna system was not ground reality (book)
Śūdras in Ancient India: A Social History of the Lower Order Down to Circa A.D. 600 - by Ram Sharan Sharma 1990 pages 10, 24-25, 44-45, 50-51, 163 (book)
4,000-year-old planned city of Dholavira in Kutch Gujarat
Ancient yogi buried in samadhi (lotus posture) in Indus Saraswati civilization
City of Dwarka found (video long)
City of Dwarka found underwater
Indus script deciphered: Base language is Sanskrit (video long)
Indus Valley and Tamil Nadu connection
Mohenjo-Daro (video long)
Swastika even older that Indus-Saraswati civilization
Varanasi is possibly older than Mohenjo-Daro
Wikipedia: Seal from Mohenjo-Daro
2,000 years of world economics
5,000-year-old industrial hub in India
Gold and silver thread in Indian silk
Kautilya - The Arthashastra by L.N. Rangarajan - page 411 on lack of slavery (book)
Land and People - food, clothing, jewelry, cities, villages, travel, rich and poor (video long)
Maritime history (video long)
World Economy study by Angus Maddison (book)
Martial art performance (video long)
Martial arts (video long)
Revisiting the Educational Heritage of India by Sahana Singh (book)
The Beautiful Tree - Indigenous Indian Education by Dharampal 1983 (book pdf)
The Educational Heritage of Ancient India by Sahana Singh (book)
Hindu criminal justice in south Indian villages
Hindu Polity by K.P. Jayaswal (Kashi Prasad Jayaswal) (book)
Hindu polity and non-divine position of kings
Justice and religion: Hinduism, in Encyclopedia of Global Justice by Ashwani Peetush 2011 - pages 596-600 on how enlightenment was for everyone
Indian numbers (video long)
Meru Prastaar: The Wonder World of Indian Mathematics by Chandrahas M. Halai (book)
Pythagoras theorem is actually Indian
Pythagoras: His Life, Teachings, and Influence by Christoph Riedweg (book)
The Imperishable Seed: How Hindu Mathematics Changed the World and why this history was erased by Bhaskar Kamble (book)
4,000-year-old migration to Australia
4,000-year-old Indian Cattle travelled west from India
Gundestrup cauldron (Denmark) interior art with Indic motifs
Gundestrup cauldron origins (video long)
Indians and Hindus on Socotra (Indian ocean travel and relationships)
Marco Polo’s 13th century description of Indians
The India They Saw by Sandhya Jain (book)
2,000 year old Buddhist temple in Pakistan
2,000-year-old temple found underwater off coast
Adi Shankaracharya wrote Bhaja Govindam (video short)
Classical Hindu Thought: An Introduction by Arvind Sharma (book)
Dharma: The Root of Indian Culture (video long)
Hinduism in Middle India (Lavanya Vemsani) (book)
Systems of Approach in Hindu Thought (video long)
7 day week (video short)
2,300-year-old history of fireworks
4,300-year-old brain surgery in Ancient India
Atharva Veda prayers to Mother Earth (video long)
Ayurveda: Art of Being (video long - documentary playlist)
Carl Sagan and Hindu Cosmology (video long)
Chinese accounts of Indian medicine
Dancing Shiva and Physics (video short)
Gunpowder and firearms in ancient India
Indian foundations of modern science
Indian scriptures and metallurgy
Meridian in Ujjain (video short)
Mohenjo-Daro water drainage system (video short)
Ram’s bridge scientific analysis
Ram Setu (video short)
Sanitation (video long)
Science in the Medieval World by Sa`id al-Andalusi (book)
Scientific studies of the Vedas
Shitala: How India enabled vaccination (video long)
Smallpox inoculation in Ancient India
Srinivasa Ramanujan (video long)
The Quantum Indians (video long)
3,139 BCE: Date of Mahabharat War (video long)
Geographic data in Mahabharat scripture
Geography of Ramayan (video short)
Indian scriptures and metallurgy
Introduction to Vedic Knowledge by Parama Devi (book)
Kautilya - The Arthashastra by L.N. Rangarajan
Rig Veda: A Historical Analysis by Shrikant Talageri (book)
Scientific studies of the Vedas
The Rigveda: the earliest religious poetry of India by Stephani Jamison and Joel Brereton 2014 (book) pages 57-58 on Varna theory (book)
Colonization of traditional lineages by modern LGBTQI+ movement
Homosexuality in Hinduism (video long)
Hijras, the Kinnars daughters (video long)
Hindu view on Homosexuality (video short)
Hindu Trans community donating to Ram temple
Tritiya-Prakriti: People of the Third Sex by Amara Das Wilhelm (book)