Cultural Appropriation Resources
For Imperialism III presentation
Last updated Oct 2023
Some of these resources are from different parts of the political spectrum. Information to dismantle the empire is important regardless of where it comes from. Not accessing or sharing factual information because we don’t like who wrote it means that critical information is withheld by gatekeepers.
Decolonizing is our priority so don’t be distracted by the left / right debate (which was invented by white men).
Check out my next events here because everything I do is connected.
This presentation series was inspired by this article:
Zarna’s videos connected to cultural appropriation:
Anti-Blackness and Cultural Appropriation (video short)
Are you on the wrong side of history? (video long)
Coalition Building (video series)
Colonization and Animals (video long)
Decolonizing Yoga across Turtle Island (video long)
Gender based violence presentation (video series)
Hindu colonial trauma presentation (video series)
Imperialism is Domestic Violence on a Macro level (video short)
Zarna’s articles connected to cultural appropriation:
1,600 Years of Christian supremacy
Anti-oppression and cultural appropriation
Attack on Hindu Freedom of Religion
Continued Desecration of Hindu Temples
Domestic violence on a macro level
Feedback for “Holistic Healers” and “Wellness Practitioners”
Hindu Ancestors forced to fight Britain’s WWI and WWII
Hindu Multiverse Culturally Appropriated for Profit
Internalized Oppression in Wales
International day of yoga is bad
It doesn’t get whiter than this
Modi erased Hindu women of yoga
Nazi hakenkreuz is NOT a swastika
Nightmare of the Wolf (review)
Tesla, mantras, and “magic frequency theory”
What the empire doesn’t want you to know
White people, Mother Earth, and the Devil
White supremacist astrophysicists
More resources…
1,000 minority girls in Pakistan forcibly converted every year
31,000 women and girls went missing in Madhya Pradesh in three years
An Agricultural Testament by Albert Howard (book)
Ancient relationship between China and India
Archeologist Anica Mann talks ancient history and India’s influence on Asia (video long)
Artificial Intelligence bias against Hindus
Avatar word culturally appropriated (video)
Ayurveda: Art of Being (video long - documentary playlist)
Bhutan ethnic cleansing of Hindus
Boy Scouts and cultural appropriation
Cham Hindus forced to eat beef
Chinese accounts of Indian medicine
Cultural appropriation at Halloween
Cultural appropriation is theft
Desirability politics (video long)
Gaslighting and beyond by Ganesha Gold Buffalo
Genocide against Hindu families in Bangladesh
Girl Scouts used to infiltrate, appropriate, assimilate native communities
Great Law of Peace and Iroquois Confederacy
Great Law of Peace and US Constitution
Hinduphobia in UK Schools (2023)
Hindus enslaved by British and Americans
India is the birthplace of Kung Fu
Indigenous feminisms (video long)
Indigenous Zimbawean Goddess Chapungu is symbol of resistance and hope
Indonesian Hindus forced to be “monotheist” to be recognized by Muslim majority
Japanese connections to Hinduism (video long)
Kian Xie and Imperialism’s impact on East Asian / Chinese spirituality and religion (video long)
Medieval slave trade in Europe
Missionary activities suspended by Indigenous people
Missionary activities: Natives fight to get them back
Missionary activities in India to manipulate and draw in Hindus
Nagas in India are now 96% Baptist Christian
Pope goes to Canada to “apologize” for genocide
Pope wears an Indigenous Headdress in Canada
Pythagoras theorem is actually Indian
Psychedelics are being appropriated from Indigenous cultures
Rohingya Hindus turned away by Indian diplomats
Rumble (documentary)
The Educational Heritage of Ancient India by Sahana Singh (book)
…on Whiteness
Black liberation songs appropriated by white people
Harvard at the forefront of appropriated psychedelics while pretending to be non-racist
“My great-great-grandmother was a Cherokee princess”
NASA may be appropriating Sanskrit for AI development (video short)
The Nay Science: A History of German Indology by Professor Vishwa Adluri (book)
What Jesus would have really looked like
White people appropriating native identity
US laws says Arabs are white, Hindus are not white (video short)
…on Arab and Islamic empire
African Muslims colonizing Hindus in India
Arabian Nabataean immigrant temple found off coast of Italy
Constantinople and Ottoman empire
Enslavement of African Black people
Islamization erases Indigenous cultures
Islamic jihad: A legacy of forced conversion, imperialism, and slavery by M.A. Khan (book)
…on CIA, mind control, cults, and entertainment industry:
Black prisoners and Indigenous children medically tortured by CIA
CIA, LSD, and biological warfare
Finders Cults archive (video and documentary)
Instagram influencer cult leader found guilty of sex trafficking and exploitation
Masonic Lodge goes on trial for conspiracy
National Security Cinema (book) by Matthew Alford and Tom Secker
Pedophilia/Rape culture in entertainment industry
Propaganda multiplier Media navigator
US government is funding grants to brainwash Indigenous Nepalese Hindus into atheism