Eugenics as Leftist Policy

A eugenicist is someone who (in case you're not aware) believes that people who don't meet their standards are inferior and therefore can be killed or experimented on or refused help/left to die. A eugenicist believes that this is good for the rest of the population who shouldn't be “burdened” with taking care of such "inferior" people and that letting such "inferior" people die strengthens the genetics of the rest of the population. An example of this in history was the Nazis experimenting on and murdering disabled people because they thought these were the "weak links" in their society. Yeah. That really happened. Another example is US prisons sterilizing prisoners. Another example is the Global North pushing population control on Global South countries.

All the people saying that those who aren't vaccinated shouldn't get healthcare are straight up eugenicists.

They're playing right into the hands of the Empire and they're propping the Empire up with their own hands. The Empire would love to have a "morally superior" reason to refuse healthcare. The Empire has no morals.

A lot of unvaccinated people are Black and brown people who don't trust this racist system. A lot of unvaccinated people are disabled people who are scared of how the vaccine will affect their existing health concerns. A lot of unvaccinated people are poor people who don't have the time or money to take a day off to get vaccinated. The Empire lied to you when they told you it was only “fascists”.

And guess what? Even if a particular unvaccinated person is repulsive in every way - a racist, a misogynist, etc., etc. - I still say they deserved healthcare no matter what. Because I am not a Nazi. I believe in healthcare for all. Even if they've committed a crime. Even if I don't personally like them. Even if they want me dead. I still say that they have a right to healthcare because I am not like them.

It's not poor people who are sucking up all the resources. It's the Military Industrial Complex. It's Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates and Elon Musk and all the rest of the 1% who are sucking up all the resources and leaving nothing for you.

And good luck when the eugenicists next decide to refuse healthcare to fat people, or smokers, or drinkers, or on and on. Because they definitely will. They've tried to do that already for years and those of us who are not eugenicists have fought it every step of the way.

If the People allow such an evil eugenicist policy for those who are unvaccinated, they are giving the Empire the perfect opportunity to do that to every vulnerable demographic. This is a very slippery slope. Just wait till they say doctors have a right to refuse healthcare to people who've had abortions. It'll happen. I guarantee it, if the country goes down this path. "What? You want help with your fertility? But it says here on your history that you've had an abortion so I must refuse on ethical grounds because obviously you're a danger to children." "What? You want help for your ovarian cysts? But it says here you've had an abortion so I must refuse because the insurance won't pay." "What? You want help with your cervical cancer? But it says here you've had an abortion so you deserve to die and go to hell because my religion says so."

As if life isn't difficult enough for everyone, do you really want to add official eugenics policy to the horrifying mix?

For years the 1% has spread the propaganda that universal healthcare would mean government controlled healthcare, that the government would get between you and your doctor. Right now, we don't even have universal healthcare and it's already happening. The 1% are doing a freaking victory lap right now.

And here we are, almost 2 years into a global pandemic, still without universal healthcare. Your leaders have zero desire to see you survive this, no matter how many lies they tell you to convince you otherwise. The Empire doesn't give a damn about the people and yet these eugenicists among the people want to give the Empire even more excuses to refuse care.

Just when I think this Empire couldn't be more of a hellscape, it just up and surprises me with eugenics coming from the left.


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